Yes - you are right!* The female avatar's first person perspective is shorter than the male's - by .4 feet/Blender units. If you're designing any puzzles that require the proper positioning of the first person viewpoint, you'll need to find a way to overcome that difference in order for both genders to enjoy your age.
But how does Python tell the difference between the two genders? By looking at their clothing, of course:
- Code: Select all
if (PtGetLocalAvatar().avatar.getAvatarClothingGroup() == kMaleClothingGroup):
print "You are male!"
print "You are female!"
You can also use this to make different things appear in your age depending on the gender, e.g. the long-sought-after D'ni restroom with either a "WOMEN" sign or a "MEN" sign.
* Remember - this is a Family Friendly Forumâ„¢