Cavern Choir

Anything that isn't directly related to Age Creation but that might be interesting to Age developers.

Cavern Choir

Postby NomadMolly » Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:39 pm

Hi All,

I just wanted everyone to know that the Cavern Choir is not disbanding simply because MOUL is no longer providing us a performance venue. Some of you know we recently performed a newly composed piece of music written by Domahreh in cavern. We have 3 other songs written in D'ni that we have not had time to record yet. The composers of these songs put a great deal of time into them, and we intend to record them, but after that, we aren't sure where we are going to perform them. Second Life if we have to. In a GoW age??? Ideas appreciated!

We are also interested in recording more atmospheric vocal music -- the kind that makes good game background music. If any one would like us to overlay your instrumentals with vocals, we would be interested.

We are meeting with our director, Domahreh, soon to discuss and prioritize our efforts. I suspect first priority will go to tidying the recordings from our first two concerts -- deadlines, there was much that wasn't done right at our last performance -- we are going to fix that. Then we will record the 3 new pieces and perform them ????. After that, we will begin looking at new projects.
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:02 pm

Re: Cavern Choir

Postby Jojon » Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:52 am

Glad to hear you are still going strong!

Hmm, an amphitheater age, in some nice scenic setting would be neat... :7
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Joined: Sun Sep 30, 2007 5:49 am

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