Problematic spawning in hood and Kirel

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Problematic spawning in hood and Kirel

Postby Annabelle » Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:45 am

Hello all,

I know that Diafero told me it couldn't be fix but anyway I'm trying to see if someone has a brilliant solution for this problem ;)

When spawning in the hood or in Kirel (whether is DRC Neighborhood or is Guilds' Neighborhood), not in Seret though, I always have to be aware of a strange spawning spot outside the age area. If you spawn there, you will inevitably (Physic's Laws at work) fall until you hit a panic-link zone below or do a quick re-spawn before that. This is a bit annoying, is there something that can be done about this matter?

Annabelle ;)
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Re: Problematic spawning in hood and Kirel

Postby Sirius » Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:22 am

Hi Annabelle !

Sorry for answering so late... Didn't see this.

This can't be done for DI, as the summary files are controlled by "urustarter-checksums.txt", "whitelist.txt" and "whitelist-checksums.txt". These three files are updated each times you start DI. It seems you can't modify your DI install yourself, I already tested almost every ways to do it ;) . Only the admin can decide of what can be added or not, and I guess this spawn point is not the priority.

However, it is easy for the offline CC.
You can try one of these two ways:
- open PrpExplorer, go to "Neighborhood/nb01/SceneObject" and delete "LinkInPointBevinDummy". Then, open Neighborhood.sum with PlasmaShop, and use Auto-Build Sumfile. Save it, and the spawn point won't be useable.
- if you already know well how to use the "Export all as single PRP" in Blender, then you can try to add a plane, scale it, and grab it to coordinates:
X: 254.6
Y: -957.7
Z: 2.6
After that, you must make it an invisible collider and export as a single PRP. But adding a prp to an Age just to have a little collider is not really the best solution. Another one is to add the plane directly in the "nb01" PRP file, but it is longer to do.

About the spawnpoints, I guess you saw there was another strange one. It is just behind a window, with a walkable surface (and even a camera region). The spawnpoint is called "SpeechAptLinkIn". Don't know why it is here...
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Re: Problematic spawning in hood and Kirel

Postby diafero » Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:53 am

There are still ways to manipulate the files of your DI installation, but I would prefer if you did not do that. All these checks are there for good reasons. Uru's engine is built with the assumption that the clients of all players are exactly the same. This is the fundamental technical design, and while there are of course some modifications that would not harm at all, it can hardly be predicted when the issues start. So, please, do not try to circumvent the DI dataserver.

Now, as for your change, IMHO the best way to distribute it would be for Dustin to add it to the Drizzle TPOTS mod. That would make it easily available offline, and I would add it to the dataserver, so that everyone would get the change. Dustin, what do you think? I verified that the given spawnpoint "LinkInPointBevinDummy" is indeed somewhere off.

About the spawnpoints, I guess you saw there was another strange one. It is just behind a window, with a walkable surface (and even a camera region). The spawnpoint is called "SpeechAptLinkIn". Don't know why it is here...
I think they used it to make announcements, because from outside, it doesn't looks that broken, but just like some person looking through the window.
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Re: Problematic spawning in hood and Kirel

Postby Annabelle » Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:21 pm

This behind-a-window spawning spot is a cool one, please don't get rid of this one. Like Diafero told, it must be there to make announcements or made with this intention because when standing there you are completely hide. You can see avvies standing near the fountain but they can't see you.
Annabelle ;)
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