Introduce Yourself

General debates and discussion about the Guild of Writers and Age creation

Introduce Yourself

Postby Paradox » Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:14 pm

Well, Pryftan's done a great job of getting KI numbers and skills into an organized list; but it doesn't give us much chance to get to know each other in any real form.

I'm Paradox, I've been playing Uru since April 2004 (shortly after Prologue closed). In May of that year I stumbled across the hackers group at COBBS and jumped in head-first (honestly, if my original posts were still there, you'd see how clueless I was and how ambitious I wanted to be). I slowly learnt from the other members, and worked with IngisKahn and other developers on PRPExplorer. Surprisingly, I didn't join Untìl Uru until D'mala opened, so I missed all of the fun with the AdminKI and UserKI. However, I have been a (non-contributing) member of the Alcugs PyPRP project since it was released in late 2005. I'm currently developing the next edition of PRPExplorer (H'uru Studio), which I hope will allow everyone here to build Ages easily and without resorting to hex editing.

I like to program, usually in C#.NET; but I'm also familiar with (X)HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, (some) Perl, and (some) C++.
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby BAD » Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:47 pm

Great idea Paradox.

Hi I'm BAD you may remember me from such debacles as, "lets all poll about the popularity of the liaisons." and "UU is shutting down? I am teh mad!!!!!!!".

If you don't remember that stuff. Good.

What most people don't know about me is that I helped develop some of the content additions that made it into Until Uru. I have no coding skills, so I barely made any contribution to the Admin and User KIs, but I did manage to gleen enough info to make some interesting shirt designs, a texture for a soccer ball, and a few other ideas that never saw the light of day...Cough! cough, closet fix textures....cough cough...... Excuse me.

I was briefly involved in a couple age creation groups, but my work and RL prevented me from helping out as much as I wanted. I hope here I can find a niche where I can offer help as much as I can. I would also like to see if some of the projects I had tried to help resurface here.

Basically I have a very creative mind, I can design and create textures. I have some personal ideas for ages I would like to share, and I will post some of them soon. :D
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby JulyForToday » Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:00 pm

Good idea!

Hello! I'm JulyForToday. I found the Myst universe back in late 2000, and then stumbled into Cyan Chat in early 2001. After having a joyous love affair with Exile that year, I, along with many others I eagerly awaited more info about Mudpie, which as we have come to know it now is Uru. I finally arrived in the cavern on Dec. 10th 2003. Now that was exciting! I've been interested in making Ages and Myst related content since at least 2002, and I've tried my hand at different things from Bryce to CSS (including trying to learn C++.. not that I got past day 2 out of 21! :oops: ). I'm mostly a designer, modeler and texture artist who likes to get his feet wet with just about everything.

I feel all nostalgic thinking of the good old Troll-bashing days in CC... lol :D
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby Justintime9 » Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:01 pm

Hi, I'm Justin. I havn't had any experience with coding, or blender or anything, but I'm good artist, (concept art etc.) I can probably Get some textures, and edit them as needed, and I'm currently learning Flash 8. I know a bit of photoshop, and can come up with age Ideas. My ki# is 126171. I am a Complete URU/MYST fantic, and can answer any IC trivia for any of the myst games! I started an organizetion called "the cavern book club" where every week at 16:00 cavern time, on tuesday, we read a chapter of the book of atrus, and discuss it. I also attend Spoken word night every week (even though they are currently unofficial :P) I belive if I had the right tools, i would probably be able to learn blender, and I hope to go into a career of video game Developing :D I started a topic in Artists, where I posted one of my Idea and concept art for an Age I want to make here:
Last edited by Justintime9 on Sun Sep 30, 2007 5:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby Trylon » Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:14 pm

Trylon here,
I got into Myst and Riven a few years after Riven came out, and played the Myst games ever since. Got to play Uru in March 2004, just after Prologue went dead.
Followed the Huru scene on Cobbs after that for the following 1 1/2 years, and jumped on the PyPRP bandwagon (Then just called the "algucs blender plugin").
I was involved in adding a couple of features like camera, swimming and material+multiple textures.
I also have been working on an age called Niveerah in that time.
Late 2006 I started writing Uru Library Manager as the next-generation user age management tool for Uru:TPOTS/CC. A full-featured web-interface and upload system followed in march 2007.
Currently I'm working on a small age called "Fliuche Dubh", and adding a couple of small things to the PyPRP plugin.
One day I ran through the cleft for the fiftieth time, and found that uru held no peace for me anymore.
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby nvr2old » Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:20 pm

Hi everyone, If you have seen me in URU On Line, I am Nvr2old and versions of that in URU, I don't have the talents you have nor time with home medical issues but like to work with anyone on ideas or story lines as I submitted an idea in the forums story line area. I am a go get it person when it comes to debugging. I also had this computer specifically designed and built just for Myst games. Hope to chat about upcoming projects you all have going on.

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby Robert16 » Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:32 pm

Hi all,

You can find me on Uru Live under the same name...Robert16. I haven't spent much time this far in the Uru community, but I'm hoping this group will be a great place to start. I've loved playing all the Myst games, including Uru. The idea of creating new ages fascinates me like nothing else! I have extensive experience in many programming languages, including C/C++. I'm a decent 3D artist. And like most of you, I've got about 3 or 4 great ideas for new ages that I'm dying to make a reality! Looking forward to working with you all!

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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby Pryftan » Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:42 pm

.shorah .kehn tahgahmihj teh Pryftan

I'm mostly here as a Blender modeller, but I can do a little C++/Python and I make music when I'm bored. I've worked with the D'ni Linguistic Fellowship and Subterranian Restorations on storyline stuff for new Ages, but I'm just getting into the real meat and potatoes of Age building. I'd love to form a team with a texture artist.. I can model, but I've never been any good at most visual arts.. ^^; Anyway I'm looking forward to getting to work on GoW Ages..!
.rilvoohee vehrehnehm vokan pam mahnshootahv rub voohee taygahnehm mahtahntahv
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby Fusein » Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:28 pm

Hi, I'm Fusein

I've been interested in(read: addicted to) the Myst universe since I was about 6. I have some knowledge of C++ and Python, and I've been messing around with Blender for a couple of months. (Not that I've actually done anything with it, just a texture and some poor, poor, deformed toruses). Mostly I just lurk. I hope to get to know you all and make some fantastic Ages.
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Postby Dovahn » Sat Sep 29, 2007 6:02 pm

Hello, I'm Dovahn (same thing in-cavern).

I've been interested in Myst for quite some time, and ever since URU Live and the prospect of Guilds, I've set my sights on the Guild oF Writers. I'm interested in game development as well as 3D modeling, so I figure, where else to go? I've programmed in C++ and Java, and am willing to learn Python for these projects. I also think it would be amazing to (IC) reestablish the art that set the D'ni apart.

I think that this system is just what Cyan and the DRC need to keep going: give the power to create worlds into the hands of the new D'ni (us, of course). I'm also in favor of some guild structure (ELITST!) but I certainly don't want the group to become elitist. (Is it just me, or is that word way overused?)

Well, anyway, I look forward to working with you all on age creation. See you in the Cavern!

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