OK, now I have Plasma all compiled, how to I run a client?

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OK, now I have Plasma all compiled, how to I run a client?

Postby DreamBliss » Mon May 20, 2013 10:52 pm

Not sure I have the right question here...

I followed the CW: Getting Started tutorial to get the Plasma Source all compiled and ready. I created a folder for my shard-to-be and copied all the relevant files in there. NOTE: The link that is supposed to provide these files in a package called CWE Testing Build bundle is not working. I found something elsewhere called CWE_902D that had the files it said I needed, although looking in the Uru Live and Gehn Shard I see the same files are in there.

Anyhow I want to set up an environment whereby I can make ages then test them. I would also like to play with the Offline-Ki. But I don't want to have to mess with Linux - bleah! So what is the quickest way I can set up a testing server on Windows for myself? Is there a tutorial covering the process? Or is there a program I can use to simplify things?

Hope this question is clear enough... Your help is appreciated!
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Re: OK, now I have Plasma all compiled, how to I run a clien

Postby DreamBliss » Tue May 21, 2013 1:37 am

Well on further Googling, reading and re-reading it almost sounds like the Deep Island Shard is my solution. So I just have to install Uru CC, the patcher and I'm set. Do I also Drizzle this installation?

Playing with Drizzle and MOUL right now just to see how everything works. Easy enough to install MOUL again.

Just wish I could figure out how to start my own shard, in Windows, as quickly and simply as possible.

Thinking about trying to do an up-to-date tutorial for everything. Make the process less painful to new explorers. But man my brain hurts right now!
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Re: OK, now I have Plasma all compiled, how to I run a clien

Postby Christian Walther » Tue May 21, 2013 4:12 am

DreamBliss wrote:I followed the CW: Getting Started tutorial to get the Plasma Source all compiled and ready. I created a folder for my shard-to-be and copied all the relevant files in there. NOTE: The link that is supposed to provide these files in a package called CWE Testing Build bundle is not working. I found something elsewhere called CWE_902D that had the files it said I needed, although looking in the Uru Live and Gehn Shard I see the same files are in there.

The current version of what that link pointed to is here, but you are correct that you can also take them from a Gehn Shard installation (not from a MOULa installation though, if that’s what you mean by “Uru Live”, as some versions are different there). I have fixed the link.

DreamBliss wrote:I would also like to play with the Offline-Ki.

Wrong environment. Offline-KI is for Uru:CC, not for a MOUL-era engine (CWE). It’s not needed there anyway, its main feature is that it restores the full KI that was stripped down for the offline game, while MOUL is online-only and already has the full KI.

DreamBliss wrote:But I don't want to have to mess with Linux - bleah! So what is the quickest way I can set up a testing server on Windows for myself?

To my knowledge there is no fully-featured CWE server software that runs on Windows (except Cyan’s, which is not released). You have no choice but to use a Unix system. Need not be Linux though – Mac OS X, Solaris, FreeBSD and probably others work too.

DreamBliss wrote:Anyhow I want to set up an environment whereby I can make ages then test them.

As Calena said, you’re probably better off using Uru:CC than CWE for that, particularly considering your preference for Windows.

DreamBliss wrote:Well on further Googling, reading and re-reading it almost sounds like the Deep Island Shard is my solution. So I just have to install Uru CC, the patcher and I'm set. Do I also Drizzle this installation?

You can use Drizzle to install Myst V, Crowthistle etc. ages into your Deep Island installation, but you should not install fan ages (including your own), as that is handled by the server and manual additions can mess things up. So, as far as your desire to test your own ages goes, Deep Island is not your solution.

Have a look at the Destiny shard though, or talk to Mystler, maybe that is your solution.
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Re: OK, now I have Plasma all compiled, how to I run a clien

Postby Christopher » Tue May 21, 2013 6:40 am

I think the Destiny Shard is exactly what you are looking for. We set up this shard, so users like you don't have to set up their own server. You can register in our forums to get an account. Then simply send us your .age (and if you have one your .fni) files and we put it on the server, so you can test it. I also made a precompiled client available here, but feel free to use your own client.

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Re: OK, now I have Plasma all compiled, how to I run a clien

Postby Luna » Tue May 21, 2013 7:53 am

When building an Age for Uru you need to be aware that there are two different versions currently in use with several differences, most importantly in the physics engine. Ages made for one version can't just be used in the other version.

MOULa/CWE Uru (online Uru)

The first version of this was MOUL gametap. Het is the version currently in use for MOULa, Gehnshard and Minkata. To make ages for this version you can use :
- 3ds max plugin
- 2.6 blender with PyPRP2

To test ages you either have to run your own Unix based shard or use the Destiny shard.

Uru: CC (offline Uru)
This includes all versions of the single player version of Uru and Deep Island which is a shard based on offline Uru.
To make Ages for this you use Blender 2.49 and PyPRP1.
To test ages you use your own offline Uru installation with the Offline KI -> http://www.guildofwriters.org/wiki/Offline_KI
N.B: Don't install Offline KI on your Deep Island installation. You can't use this one to test local ages afaik.
The only time you use the Offline KI is on your local version of single player Uru. Deep island shard will download a version of the Offline KI when you install it which is why you also have features of it on that shard. It won't work on MOUL(a) era Uru.

To answer your question, depending on how you have made your ages you can either test them by using your client with the Destiny shard(as explained here :http://destiny.mystler.eu/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2), or use Uru:CC & Offline KI.
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Re: OK, now I have Plasma all compiled, how to I run a clien

Postby DreamBliss » Tue May 21, 2013 5:46 pm

OK, thank you for your replies.

I'm going to have to read through this a few times to be sure I understand everything. But it sounds like I can't make ages in Max and test them in Uru Complete Chronicles with the Deep Island shard as I thought. It also sounds like there is no known server for Windows that has been publicly released. So that means I have to install a virtual copy of Linux (or any other Unix based OS) and try to set everything up. All I can say to that is that Linux and old laptops with obscure hardware do not mix well.

Starting to get discouraged here. But I will figure this out!

BTW, does the Max 2012 plugin work with any earlier version of Max? Sounded like it won't. But I wanted to know for sure. I would be using Max 5, 8 or 2010, depending on what works with Uru CC or Plasma/CWE the best. I would love to see a plugin for Wings 3D!

Well I'm off to check out these other links...
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Re: OK, now I have Plasma all compiled, how to I run a clien

Postby DreamBliss » Tue May 21, 2013 6:17 pm

OK, I am trying VirtualBox with Linux. Anyone know what Linux distro is best or most recommended for running a server? Also looking for a distro with a lot of drivers already included, if possible.

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Re: OK, now I have Plasma all compiled, how to I run a clien

Postby Deledrius » Wed May 22, 2013 1:23 am

The easiest solution would be for you to take advantage of the Destiny Server and not set one up yourself.

If you insist on doing so, I know that it can be run on Ubuntu 12.04LTS, and will probably work on any version newer. This is probably the simplest if you are unfamiliar with the *nix family, but you're going to be doing a lot of work to set up a shard just for testing age development.
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Re: OK, now I have Plasma all compiled, how to I run a clien

Postby DreamBliss » Wed May 22, 2013 2:29 am

Hey I appreciate your advice there. But the whole idea I have to send my age off to get it added to a server, then get to play it, then I see the things i want to change, so I change them, re-send - just not a good workflow for me. I want to be able to instantly load and play my ages and make changes, then see the results, as quickly as possible. Plus I admit it, I am a bit of a control freak :P

Anyhow at this point the whole process of setting up my own shard is quickly becoming like the process of solving an age in the game. I have been challenged, and now its time for dogged determination.

I found out that CentOS and Debian are the best for servers. But Ubuntu comes in 3rd and is supposed to be simple. Going to read Dustin's tutorial and see what, if anything, he mentions, and go from there.

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Re: OK, now I have Plasma all compiled, how to I run a clien

Postby Luna » Wed May 22, 2013 2:46 am

No, no, you don't have to send off your Age. You use Destiny shard with your local files.
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