How do I use Admin Commands like /fly

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How do I use Admin Commands like /fly

Postby obsidean » Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:52 am

I would like to know how do I request admin access to the DI shard in offline mode, so that I can execute admin only commands such as /fly?
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Re: How do I use Admin Commands like /fly

Postby tachzusamm » Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:13 am

First, there's no "DI shard offline mode". The Deep Island Server (or shard) is made for playing online; you can already play URU locally on your PC (offline). So using a server for playing offline makes no sense. If you meant to access Deep Island content while playing offline: that's not possible as well.

But I assume you're referring to the extended capabilities you get when playing on DI.
If you're interested in the extended KI commands, then the Offline KI might be something for you.
If you want to get fan-made ages in you local game installation as well, eventually Drizzle is what you're looking for (which can install the Offline KI for you automatically as well).
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Re: How do I use Admin Commands like /fly

Postby obsidean » Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:07 am

Thank you for your prompt reply.
I was assuming tha if there was an offline mode then I could somehow make my user an admin. Currently if I try to use a command like /fly, the system comes back and system says it doesn't recognize that command.

I have both the offline KI and Drizzle installed. But even then I still am not able to use the /fly command. So, I thought maybe there was a way that I could get admin access, or higher priveleges that would allow me to use that command. I think based on your answer this may not be possible since it is a server based role that needs to be changed?
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Re: How do I use Admin Commands like /fly

Postby janaba » Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:38 am

Hi and welcome, obsidean, the Fly mode comes with the Offline KI and isn't accessed resp. activated by a command but by pressing 'Esc' ... you move/fly up or down with the 'Space' key and of course you use the arrow keys for moving right and left, forwards and backwards ... The link to the Offline KI, tachzusamm provided above also has a link to further special commands for specific/directional avatar/environment modifications, purposes and needs etc. ... In the offline version, of course, one doesn't need special administrator access and rights as one has them already on one's own computer ... Enjoy ... :P
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Re: How do I use Admin Commands like /fly

Postby tachzusamm » Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:48 am

Oh, you already got it installed.

Well, the command to enter Flymode (I assume that's what you want) is /flymode , and /noflymode to turn it off again.
You can also use /help to get a list of all available commands.
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Re: How do I use Admin Commands like /fly

Postby Luna » Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:06 am

You cannot fly on DI and you cannot use the offline KI or Drizzle on DI. You'll need to use them with an offline install of Uru:CC or Uru:Pots.
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Re: How do I use Admin Commands like /fly

Postby diafero » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:13 am

Please have a look at for an overview over the various versions of Uru, that should solve some of your confusion :) . More information about the Offline KI is available at, while the installation of the Deep Island Shard is described at viewtopic.php?f=111&t=4611 .
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