All Fan Ages in 2 Files - Link in OP

Anything that isn't directly related to Age Creation but that might be interesting to Age developers.

Re: All Fan Ages in 2 Files

Postby Korovev » Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:40 pm

Thanks, updated!

By the way, I’m going to add a few unreleased Ages as well, from the Writers who are fine with it.
Deep Island #194197, MOULa #46116, Gehn #137074, Minkata #132812.
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Re: All Fan Ages in 2 Files

Postby janaba » Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:12 pm

Yeah, you're welcome, it looks great! ... and I think it is wonderful and appropriate to have a complete fan age gallery on the GoW Wiki ... Again, a really great idea and job, Korovev ... :P
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Re: All Fan Ages in 2 Files

Postby Korovev » Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:03 pm

One more thing: as far as I know, these Ages are unreleased (or abandoned):

  • Ellis Fen (Kierra)
  • GreenWood Cottage (Kierra)
  • Latahara (Kierra)
  • Temple of Illumination (GPNMilano)
  • Teralee Falls (Kierra)
  • Versea (Arno)
  • Yinfara (Justin)

Besides of course Breldur by Jonnee, which is not on the list.
Deep Island #194197, MOULa #46116, Gehn #137074, Minkata #132812.
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Re: All Fan Ages in 2 Files

Postby Justintime9 » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:39 pm

Wow, I go on this Forum in the first time in at least a year, and first post I click on I see my name. I can confirm Yinfara is dead. I do have the blender files, and other related materials if anyone wants them. I didn't read this thread very closely, but it looks like a good project.

I think someone wondered earlier why there have been less submissions? I'd guess mostly the confusion since Blender completely transformed its interface, and the whole 3DS Max and MOUL conversion stuff. I still kind of want to converts TsoidahlPrad to Gehn quality, but who knows if that will ever happen. On the plus side, I'm currently taking a class on Python, so I may be more active here. And this new scripts thing (replacement of AlcScript?) Looks intriguing.
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Re: All Fan Ages in 2 Files

Postby Sirius » Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:54 pm

Wow, welcome back, Justin !
Justintime9 wrote:Wow, I go on this Forum in the first time in at least a year, and first post I click on I see my name
Yeah, it seems you came back just in t.. no, I'm not going for that joke ;)

Yinfara is dead, then ? Ah, that's a shame, it looked good. But that's just how things go, I guess.
Enjoy learning Python ! It's more fun than most other programming languages.

Alcscript ? Never heard of it. Who needs scripting when there is Korman and it's magic nodes system ?
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Re: All Fan Ages in 2 Files

Postby Dulcamara » Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:00 am

Justintime69wrote: I do have the blender files, and other related materials if anyone wants them.

oh yes I'm very interrested. It would be a real shame if such a creative work would disappear :!: :)
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Re: All Fan Ages in 2 Files

Postby dendwaler » Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:01 am

Haha, you are as always " just in time" Justintime 9.!

In my remembering Yinfara was from origin made by Lontahv.
He was working on PyPRP and tried to implement the "linked duplicates" into it.
And that is the issue with Yinfara ,
It is so heavy relying on those " linkedduplicates", that it did not work out as intended.
Then he quitted the project and handed it over to Justin.
Justin asked for some help because he had problems to handle these strange "linked duplicates".
That is the point where i came in.
You could only work on this age if you used Blender 2.45.
....and had installed the completely different version of PyPRP that supported the linked dups.

I completely unwired the linked duplicates to normal duplicates that can be handled by 2.49b and the normal PyPRP.
and also made a waveset and a new island in it and handed it over to you again.
Unfortunately from that point on, it stayed quiet.

Furthermore the age was editable now, but the performance went down because the engine had to handle more vertices.
In those days i consider myself now also as a beginner.
May be with my current knowledge i can improve it a bit.

I will search to find the refurbished version, if thats ok to you Justin.
but its not more then many ages, an isle with objects and hardly any interactions.
Its mainly that part that Justin had some ideas, but i never dived into the story behind it.
Sorry but as a Dutchman , i hate to read all those endless english written stories that are so difficult to understand for non English people.

So the strong point of all myst and URU related stuff is at the same time its weak point if not translated well.

Good to see you back Justin! :D

Edit: i still have it!
Here are two pics from the new Isle

Those wonderfull Worlds are called " Ages" , because that is what it takes to build one.

Watch my latest Video Or even better..... watch the Cathedral's Complete Walkthrough made by Suleika!
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Re: All Fan Ages in 2 Files

Postby Sirius » Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:35 am

Linked duplicates ? You mean, like trees that all use the same mesh to save on memory ? (or Minkata's desert rocks, for instance.) Given time I'm fairly sure I could figure out some workaround to make it work, if you want.
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Also, don't worry about performances. With a few VisRegions and some changes to PyPRP's defaults, I'm sure even the forest in your first picture will be playable without too much lag, even without linked duplicates.

And yeah, publishing your Blender file sounds like a good idea if you don't mind. I'm sure some people here will be glad to finish (or at least expand) your Age. This already happened with Relativity, which ended up being an impressive community project, so why not with Yinfara ?
I don't know if I could help with building, but maybe I could be of use with scripting things ?
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Re: All Fan Ages in 2 Files - Link in OP

Postby Justintime9 » Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:10 am

Cool, good to hear there's still interest. In terms of Yinfara, I started that project basically right when Kirel and the guild pubs were opened in MOUL. I knew absolutely NOTHING about age creation, so I just posted my idea, and people ran with it. Eventually Lontahv took main control over it. I'll definitely post the files when I get the chance. I'll probably post the TsoidahlPrad files too - I had improved some of the lightmaps considerably, and added some things for a "big release" in Gehn, but I think it's better the updated version at least ends up released, rather than the original (which looks kind of crappy when I compare xD)

Also, it might help to have more tutorials for Korman, and basically how age creation works these days. It's been awhile.
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Re: All Fan Ages in 2 Files - Link in OP

Postby janaba » Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:11 am

As this is all taking a completely different course right now, which is ok and happened naturally, I thought I'd edit/update my OP a bit to reflect what is available now ... :P

The MediaFire link always remains the same anyway, but for those who don't know it, I've made it clear in this thread's title that it can be found in the OP ... I've also added a copyright remark to that first post for all pondering if and how they would be able to make use of the given information and/or the pictures if they wanted to ...

Ok, I hope everyone had already a deeper and completely amazed look into the GoW's now awesome 'Gallery of Fan Created Ages', updated by our Korovev, and please go ahead having fun rummaging your dusty archives and sharing missing information and valuable experiences with everyone ... Welcome back, Justintime btw ... and your new isle pictures look beautiful, dendwaler ... Have all a great day and time ... :)
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