Dirtsand on a VPS

Announcements and discussion regarding any projects related to Cyan Worlds' Plasma Engine including (but not limited to) CyanWorlds.com Engine, Drizzle, OfflineKI, PyPRP, and libHSPlasma.

Re: Dirtsand on a VPS

Postby Surta » Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:28 pm

I'm pretty sure I'm using the Gehn files, well, 99.9999% certain haha. I think I changed to the Gehn files after Deledrius explained that they offer an open city etc. I have attached the log... some errors there for sure!
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Re: Dirtsand on a VPS

Postby Tsar Hoikas » Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:11 pm

I don't see any errors in the log files. The only thing I can think of to help would be to try resetting the vault (run the query `SELECT clear_vault();` in postgres). :?
Tsar Hoikas
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Re: Dirtsand on a VPS

Postby Surta » Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:01 pm


yay.jpg (46.15 KiB) Viewed 7784 times

Actually, in addition to resetting the vault I also re-uploaded the Gehn SDL files... because there were 59 files on my server and the repository had 61. At least that is sorted now!!!

floggies.jpg (145.93 KiB) Viewed 7784 times

I truly wish I could give these to you for real... they are well deserved. As always, I can't thank you enough for the help and never ending patience you have given me. I'm truly and eternally grateful!

Now, I am going to give you guys a very well deserved break for a little while. I now have a working vault, a working dataserver, a working client and playable ages... at least on one computer. I'm still very baffled why it won't play nice (crashes) on any other machine, even though Gehn itself works perfectly well on all of them. But I'm afraid to be driving you guys insane with my incessant stream of questions and error reporting... so I'm going to give you and myself a few weeks off now.

But, and consider this a threat, I'll be back after that with more questions for sure :D
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Re: Dirtsand on a VPS

Postby Surta » Sat Jun 20, 2020 11:52 am

Darn - she's back :lol:

I have been toying with Uru for a while, and also been playing around with two computers. First, a few general errors, and then one really major one (in fact, that last one is the real game breaker).

When I login, recently I have been getting this server error right after landing in Relto:

[Auth] Got client python traceback:
cPythBahroPoles - Traceback (most recent call last):
File "psnlBahroPoles.py", line 680, in OnTimer
KeyError: 429496729L

So far it doesn't seem to have affected anything, so I'm not sure if that is major or not.

Second, when I try to grab the 3rd book (I believe that is the book with all the city locations), the book gets stuck halfway and the game freezes. The server then displays this error:

[Auth] Got client python traceback:
cPythLinkingBookGUIPopup - Traceback (most recent call last):
File "xLinkingBookGUIPopup.py", line 199, in OnNotify
File "xLinkingBookGUIPopup.py", line 543, in IShowBookTreasure
File "xLinkingBookGUIPopup.py", line 706, in BuildCityBook
KeyError: 'grtzGrtZeroLinkRm'

Again, this is not MAJOR, since it doesn't seem to affect gameplay otherwise, but obviously it's not good either.

Third, I sink through the floor - a LOT. It seems to happen in certain places such as the eggroom in the hood, the great zero antichamber, the entrace passage to Ahnonay, etc. Again no big deal, once the weak spots in the ground are known, they can be carefully avoided :D

But, and that is the fourth issue, here is the biggest problem - in fact it's a dealbreaker as of now. I know I mentioned it a few times already, but I have no solution... I have no sound on any other computer but the original one I did all the tinkering on. Yet, and here is the really odd part: MOUL and Gehn work flawlessly on all of them. The installation is IDENTICAL. I have made triple sure to install all the drivers needed. And, I have now installed all the tools needed to create the client on a second computer (hoping that perhaps the DirectX SDK or Visual Studio would have snuck in a driver I wasn't aware of). And, equally important, my data files are IDENTICAL to Gehn.

On top of having no sound, the game crashes after creating a new avatar. I have pinpointed the exact moment to when it wants to play the Yeesha introduction video - then it crashes with a huge dump log. I can bypass the avatar creation by going to my original computer, play (skip) the Yeesha video and land the avie in Relto, from then on it won't crash on the other computers, but this of course is not a viable solution. Plus, having no sound is basically a gamebreaker.

Interestingly, there is a distict difference in the log files of both computers, so I have attached the file from the "correct" computer and one of the "faulty" ones.

As I said, I'm not too fussed about the first three issues, but I'm really hoping for a solution on this one...

Oh, and I just found out there is a 5th issue: Gahreesen doesn't have the 2nd floor... I remember we had this before but I don't think we ever had a solution to this.

As always, thanks and stay safe <3
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Re: Dirtsand on a VPS

Postby Tsar Hoikas » Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:21 am

Surta wrote:When I login, recently I have been getting this server error right after landing in Relto:

[Auth] Got client python traceback:
cPythBahroPoles - Traceback (most recent call last):
File "psnlBahroPoles.py", line 680, in OnTimer
KeyError: 429496729L

We actually fixed that recently. If you grab the latest client code and recompile, it should be fixed.

Surta wrote:Second, when I try to grab the 3rd book (I believe that is the book with all the city locations), the book gets stuck halfway and the game freezes. The server then displays this error:

[Auth] Got client python traceback:
cPythLinkingBookGUIPopup - Traceback (most recent call last):
File "xLinkingBookGUIPopup.py", line 199, in OnNotify
File "xLinkingBookGUIPopup.py", line 543, in IShowBookTreasure
File "xLinkingBookGUIPopup.py", line 706, in BuildCityBook
KeyError: 'grtzGrtZeroLinkRm'

You probably used the Great Zero linking book in the Neighborhood. This book was removed on Gehn because it violates the D'ni linking rules (and no, a Yeesha stamp isn't a hall pass, Cyan...) along with its link definition. You can fix that by either adding the link page back or turning off the great zero linking book.

Surta wrote:But, and that is the fourth issue, here is the biggest problem - in fact it's a dealbreaker as of now. I know I mentioned it a few times already, but I have no solution... I have no sound on any other computer but the original one I did all the tinkering on. Yet, and here is the really odd part: MOUL and Gehn work flawlessly on all of them. The installation is IDENTICAL. I have made triple sure to install all the drivers needed. And, I have now installed all the tools needed to create the client on a second computer (hoping that perhaps the DirectX SDK or Visual Studio would have snuck in a driver I wasn't aware of). And, equally important, my data files are IDENTICAL to Gehn.

On top of having no sound, the game crashes after creating a new avatar. I have pinpointed the exact moment to when it wants to play the Yeesha introduction video - then it crashes with a huge dump log. I can bypass the avatar creation by going to my original computer, play (skip) the Yeesha video and land the avie in Relto, from then on it won't crash on the other computers, but this of course is not a viable solution. Plus, having no sound is basically a gamebreaker.

Interestingly, there is a distict difference in the log files of both computers, so I have attached the file from the "correct" computer and one of the "faulty" ones.

Interestingly, I would probably never notice this bug because I turn sound off frequently--the game's ambient noises and footstep sounds trigger migraines for me. Aside from that, can you post the contents of the faulty machine's %LOCALAPPDATA%\Uru Live\Init\audio.ini?
Tsar Hoikas
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Re: Dirtsand on a VPS

Postby Surta » Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:10 am

Thanks!! I'm sorry to hear you suffer from migraines, that must be hard on you.


I looked at the audio.ini file and I think it's small enough to just paste the content here:

Audio.Initialize false
Audio.UseEAX false
Audio.SetPriorityCutoff 6
Audio.MuteAll 0
Audio.SetChannelVolume SoundFX 1
Audio.SetChannelVolume BgndMusic 1
Audio.SetChannelVolume Ambience 1
Audio.SetChannelVolume NPCVoice 1
Audio.EnableVoiceRecording 1
Audio.SetDeviceName "Generic Software"

This is a Dell Alienware Ryzen computer, if that helps any.

Recreate the client:

Of course - and you're probably going to hate me for it - trying to run the prepare_env.bat now gives an error where it didn't before :oops: I'll quote the exact error:

At C:\Users\user\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\Plasma\prepare_env.ps1:2 char:13
+ #Requires –Version 5.0
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
The string is missing the terminator: ".
At C:\Users\user\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\Plasma\prepare_env.ps1:2 char:11
+ #Requires –Version 5.0
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cannot process the #requires statement because it is not in the correct format.
The #requires statement must be in one of the following formats:
"#requires -shellid <shellID>"
"#requires -version <major.minor>"
"#requires -psedition <edition>"
"#requires -pssnapin <psSnapInName> [-version <major.minor>]"
"#requires -modules <ModuleSpecification>"
"#requires -runasadministrator"
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : TerminatorExpectedAtEndOfString

I don't think I changed anything except cloned Plasma again... but here we are, heh.

Edited to add: removing line 2 (#Requires –Version 5.0) altogether seems to finish the batch file without errors, but I don't think that is the preferred solution. I'll proceed with trying to build the client and report back!

Another edit: it creates the plCrashHandler and plUruLauncher files, but not the plClient file. It errors out at

86>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.18362.0\um\x86\WinMM.Lib'
86>Done building project "plClient.vcxproj" -- FAILED.

Great Zero linking book:

I added the book with the command you gave a while back: "To get the GZ to work, this command in the server console should fix things: `globalsdl Neighborhood nb01LinkBookGZVis 1`"
I take it from your comment above that in order to fix this, I would either need to recompile the python.pak (another learning curve ahead :D ) or disable the book in the hood? Unfortunately it doesn't show in the Nexus, I think it shows some fan age (ChisoPreniv) instead. That one crashes on my server though, for what I assume obvious reasons :)
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Re: Dirtsand on a VPS

Postby Tsar Hoikas » Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:44 pm

Change the first line of audio.ini to Audio.Initialize true

Surta wrote:I added the book with the command you gave a while back: "To get the GZ to work, this command in the server console should fix things: `globalsdl Neighborhood nb01LinkBookGZVis 1`"
I take it from your comment above that in order to fix this, I would either need to recompile the python.pak (another learning curve ahead :D ) or disable the book in the hood? Unfortunately it doesn't show in the Nexus, I think it shows some fan age (ChisoPreniv) instead. That one crashes on my server though, for what I assume obvious reasons :)

Whoops. I must not have realized the implications of enabling the GZ linking book at the time. I think you can fix the nexus link to the GZ by adding this block to DirtSand's static_ages.ini, then restarting the server.

I pinged the owner of the PowerShell version requirement re the explosion in prepare_env.ps1 -- it looks like an encoding issue to me, but I'm not sure fixed the issue in prepare_env.ps1. I'm also not sure what's up with the WinMM.lib error. That's part of the Windows SDK and has been around since Windows 3.1 :/
Last edited by Tsar Hoikas on Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Fixed script
Tsar Hoikas
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Re: Dirtsand on a VPS

Postby Surta » Wed Jun 24, 2020 4:29 pm

Tsar Hoikas wrote:Change the first line of audio.ini to Audio.Initialize true

Did I mention that you are fantastic? I meant magnificent! Suberb! Brilliant! I can't think of any other superlatives but I guess you get the drift... that worked. I now have sound on all machines, with a simple edit of that file. I'm so happy!! :D

You know, for the first time I really have a feeling that I will end up with an actual server. I don't mind a few bugs, but I was about to give up... and here you solve my biggest problem in two minutes!!

That said, we're not entirely there just yet... but very, very VERY close. So, the latest status:

Great Zero:

I added the link block as you pointed out, and now I have an additional list of pubs such as Writers, Maintainers etc in the Nexus. No Great Zero just yet, but I forgot, do you need to finish all 30 markers for that? So far I just did the green ones, the red ones are still being collected.
It didn't solve the issue of the book crash (still freezes the game with the same error), but honestly, that is so minor I'm not even fussed about it.

Creating the client:

Yay, the manifest is being created again without errors! Sadly, Visual Studio still won't create the plClient.exe. Of course if you are puzzled about this error, you know that I'm thoroughly doomed :lol: Again, not a major problem, I can live with a few Python error messages in the server for now.


So, that leaves Gahreesen - yeah, you were hoping I'd forget :D :D When I first mentioned that the top floor is missing (has it really been longer than a year already?), you said it might have something to do with the Python.pak file. But I'm using the latest version of the Gehn shard and it's still not showing. I have re-manifested the client data files a few times, the last time using MOUL's own age files in combination with Gehn SDL and Python, but unfortunately the top floor remains gone. Any ideas at all?


Oh I almost forgot. In MOUL I remember that they had these 12 calendar sparklies hidden in various places. I remember a few locations, but my server has no sparklie there. Is that a setting I can enable somehow?
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Re: Dirtsand on a VPS

Postby Paradox » Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:51 pm

Tsar Hoikas wrote:I pinged the owner of the PowerShell version requirement re the explosion in prepare_env.ps1 -- it looks like an encoding issue to me, but I'm not sure fixed the issue in prepare_env.ps1. I'm also not sure what's up with the WinMM.lib error. That's part of the Windows SDK and has been around since Windows 3.1 :/

I figured this out. There's a reference in the OpenAL devlib CMake files that points to a specific Windows 10 SDK version of WinMM.lib. It you have a newer SDK installed, it won't find that file.
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Re: Dirtsand on a VPS

Postby Surta » Thu Jun 25, 2020 11:07 am

Paradox, you nailed it... just to test, I built the client on the original computer and it worked fine. So definitely something that only affects "new" computers! Do I install an older version of the SDK on my new computer, or is it something you gurus will have to solve?

Tsar Hoikas: just wanted to say that the new client indeed solved the Python error (the login one, not the book error). Also, enabling the sound in the ini fixes the crash when it tries to play the URULiveIntro file after creating a new avatar.

I just can't believe the amount of progress made this past week... I was so close to giving up at last because if I couldn't make it work on other computers, it would have been curtains. And here we are, 0.3% removed from a 100% working server!
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