Blender Ctrl+Z (undo) crash

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Blender Ctrl+Z (undo) crash

Postby Maroonroon » Tue May 10, 2022 7:09 am

Almost every time I want to use [Ctrl] + [z] in Blender, Blender crashes (same thing if I use the "undo" menu option)... :?
So, when I "think" I'll have to undo something soon, I save the file; but what if I don't think I'll? Crash. :roll:
/scratchhead Do everybody have this problem?
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Re: Blender Ctrl+Z (undo) crash

Postby Sirius » Tue May 10, 2022 8:40 am

I have the same problem.

I did a bit of troubleshooting, and found the following:
- This doesn't happen with simpler Blender files. It only happens after a few hours of work.
- This is baked into the Blender file itself. Restarting doesn't fix it, and it will trigger on 100% of undo operations.
- Will also trigger when changing a newly added object, ie: add a circle, and in the T panel, change number of vertices without going into edit mode. I suspect this relies on the same scene-reloading behavior as undo/redo.
- Can "import" the bug into a new Blender file using "File→Append" and selecting objects from an afflicted file. This appears to be random though, even when selecting the same objects in two different Blender instances.
- Also affects files in which Korman was never selected as render engine (although Korman was enabled in the plugins menu). Really strange.

Dunno what's going on here, and if it's even related to Korman at all. I can provide an example file if someone wants to do some debugging.
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Re: Blender Ctrl+Z (undo) crash

Postby Maroonroon » Tue May 10, 2022 9:15 am

Ouf (kind of), I'm not the only one...
I always had this problem with Korman, but I think (I'm not sure, I can't really remember) that I also had it with PyPRP.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Blender, but the problem was and is still there.
I now use "Blender for Korman" (0.13).

Sirius wrote:Restarting doesn't fix it, and it will trigger on 100% of undo operations.

Not on 100% for me, but around 98%.
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