My end is Written

If you feel like you're up to the challenge of building your own Ages in Blender or 3ds Max, this is the place for you!

My end is Written

Postby Jhon J. Jaguar » Sun Jun 11, 2023 1:15 pm

Shorah guys.
I do not know how to say it. I tried everything in the last few months, but unfortunately the old Max doesn't work correctly with Win 10 and the new Max 22 has problems with pythons, not allowing to use SDL variables in its interface. This says I'm done developing my work. I was stuck at the beginning of the age of time for some time because I could not implement the collision system and the display of variables. Without those, my work is useless. I won't create eta only aesthetics: I would betray the story of Myst. If no one has something useful to tell me to unblock the situation, unfortunately the progress of the software forces me to retire. :(
I'm very sorry, my friends. :cry:
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Re: My end is Written

Postby Maroonroon » Mon Jun 12, 2023 7:21 am

Hello Jhon J. Jaguar.
I'm sorry, it's a bad news...
The GOW forums are pretty dead, maybe you can try to ask for help on the OpenUru's Discord?
I know Semjay uses 3DMax to build for MOUL(a), but I don't know on which OS.
I posted a message there to tell them that you need help.
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Re: My end is Written

Postby Jhon J. Jaguar » Tue Jun 13, 2023 2:27 am

I thank you.
Unfortunately I have been banging my head against this problem for the past 6 months. I didn't continue with the creation of ages for this very reason. I have an alternative, which would not follow URU though. I can try to move to Unreal 5, with which they created the latest CYAN games. But I have to learn to use it from scratch, and it's really gigantic. In addition to having to redo all the textures because they were all at a maximum of 1024 as the maximum that Plasma could handle.
They can also email me if they want: if I can fix the problem with MAX 2022, I can get back on track. But knowing how software and OS work, I'm afraid I'll have to surrender to the evidence of the facts.
Too bad because I had managed to replicate Kadish's Ring Puzzle in a"Test Age" I had sketched out. It would have been fun to use it.
Thanks again for the help. Take care.
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Re: My end is Written

Postby Maroonroon » Tue Jun 13, 2023 5:59 am

If you build with Unreal, you will need to not only build one Age, but probably to build some Ages, with a compete story, and to build the whole "game" interface; that being said, you will find tutorials.

Another alternative would be to use Blender; most of Writers are using it (instead of 3DSMax) to build Ages, so, there can be more people to help you on Blender than on 3DSMax if you need help.
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Re: My end is Written

Postby Emor D'ni Lap » Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:52 pm

Jhon J. Jaguar wrote:if I can fix the problem with MAX 2022, I can get back on track.

JJJ, if you can please describe in detail exactly what the problem you're having with Python in Max 2022 is, then maybe someone can help you.

If I remember correctly from the last time we spoke about this:
you were able to see the set of standard Python files in 2022, but none of your custom Python files were showing up?
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Re: My end is Written

Postby Dulcamara » Wed Jun 21, 2023 12:17 am

Hello Jhon J. Jaguar :)

It is a pity to hear that you have reached your limits with your program or PC. You have achieved so much and given us many beautiful ages.
As already mentioned, Semjay is certainly the contact when it comes to 3DSMax.
Unfortunately, I still belong to the Blender users. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get to grips with Korman yet, I just don't have the time for that at the moment. Unfortunately, it's still a long way until I retire, but maybe I can start again then. But now that I'm building more for Moula than for Deep Island, ametist and I are doing it as a team. I continue to build the 3D models or the Age in the old Blender, texture them rather awkwardly and then send the unfinished goods to Amestist. Ametist is great in Korman now, she can do great things. She improves my textures, adds lighting and takes care of the animations, which unfortunately I can only do with Alcscript for Deep Island. Of course, ametist also add their own ideas, it's just what teamwork do.

So if you're planning to switch to Korman, she's a good person to talk to. But there are certainly some who can help you there, Doobes, Tweek, Calum Traveler....

Definitely don't give up. The end is not written jet ....
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Re: My end is Written

Postby Jhon J. Jaguar » Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:42 am

Hello guys. In the meantime, thank you all, you are kind. I'll answer you one by one.

Maroon: The idea of ​​moving to Unreal is just that. If I have to restart with a new program, I might as well do it with a powerful one and xhe will update continuously, thus not losing its ability to run on programs as it happened to me.

Emor: My friend, it's good to hear from you. We worked well together. The problem is twofold, actually. In addition to not being able to use custom Python (which is a detail, in the end I can give it up and use the standard ones) but the toughest problem is precisely that in the phase of creating events, such as animations, puzzles or other events, it no longer appears the bar where I entered the name of the variables of the SDL file. Variables are vital to any age. Without those not only are the progress within the age not saved, but multiple exploration clearly suffers from it (it was in fact one of the first problems we faced at the beginning as developers).
So by not allowing me to match an event to a specific SDL Variable, it becomes useless. I also tried to rewrite the files, but at that point it didn't even read them to me (a complication arose that didn't exist before in MAX).

Dulcamara: a writer I greatly admire for big worlds. The decision to change the engine pushes me to avoid meeting the same fate a second time. That's why I chose Unreal: powerful, complete and already used for Obduction and Firmament. So I already know that it can be used to create something that respects the style of our beloved MYST. Only now I have to do it all over again (and it's going to take a long time to learn). If I have to do it, I might as well do it once and for all. I haven't thrown in the towel yet, but I admit that after months of testing I don't know what to do anymore. I fear that the engine is too old for MAX, and those who work in MAX are unlikely to be comfortable with Blender (and vice versa, as the great Andy Legate once said).
That said, if anyone has any ideas, I'm here to listen. For now unfortunately the age of time is stuck in its first room and even without lights.
Thanks. Love you all. :D :D :D
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