How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby hhhenry » Thu Sep 18, 2014 6:19 pm

I have (OK, I don't have, I know or know of) a group of refugees from March and the loss of Sony Free Realms that want to play a fantasy multiplayer with lots of talking to other players, exploration and forget all that fighting. They never heard of Myst or Cyan. How do I lure them here (Fresh Blood!!) with instructions?
FYI ... -go-65538/ and ... -go-65488/
The are foundering around trying

I play Aura Kingdom now. It has classes (Bard, Sorcerer, Ronin, Katar, Ranger, to name a few). I'm not sure if it has the combat you would prefer, but I like it. Leveling is a little slow once you get in the upper 40's and I'm not sure if there is a limit on it either. But I think it's pretty cool. Doesn't take membership.
Aura Kingdom seams like ok game but the combat is something i dont like any other games ppl?
I have started to play ROBLOX a couple of years ago but now it's boring. Im thinking of moving to Toontown Rewritten, besides that theres no other game to play.
I guess it is pointless to look for game to replace free realms. it is inposible.
Might I suggest Villagers and Heroes? I only discovered it last night, but it seems really good so far (though I've had a couple of glitching troubles where my character walks the wrong way, nothing too major)
And so forth
How can I help these people? I feel I kinda owe them since I refugeed from URU when it stopped four years ago to Free Realms.
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Ainia » Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:14 pm

Shorah hhhenry,

Since you are posting in regard to the DI shard, it will be more difficult to get your friends onboard here since they will need to own a copy of UruCC in order to play (however, has a reasonably priced DRM-free version). MOULa or Gehn might work better for Myst neophytes since all the necessary software is available for free online.

Between the various shards, MOULa is better if you are wanting lots of fellow explorers to interact with; Gehn is better if you want a beautiful game and a few polished fan Ages; DI is better if you want lots of fan Ages.

That said, if MOULa is your first choice, you may want to wait until next week and ensure things are working there first before inviting them to download and install.
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Yali » Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:06 pm

I'm confused. I installed Deep Island on my Steam copy of Uru CC since the 2004 disc is scratched and my KI, journal and settings wouldn't work. Then i installed Offline KI thinking I needed that and the issues went away but then all my fan ages disappeared!

Do I need Offline KI to run Deep Island? Any reason why my KI wouldn't load or my settings tab?

EDIT: I think I got it working. I uninstalled Offline KI but my Relto book and KI don't load now. Ugh.

Also, I didn't start in the Cleft. It loaded my Gehn Shard avvie in Relto and now I want to access the Myst V Descent, but how?
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Sirius » Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:47 am

Hmmm... You shouldn't need to install the Offline-KI if you install Deep Island. Everything in DI is automated, so when you start the game it downloads the Offline-KI, and when you link to a Fan-Age it downloads the appropriate files ;)
I would suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the game via Steam, then copy the whole game folder in another location. Then use the DI patcher in this new copy of Uru. This avoids messing up with the Steam install, meaning you still have another copy of offline Uru.
You'll need to make a shortcut to the Uru executable in your new folder, though.

The only exception is Myst V/Moul Ages, which you can convert with Drizzle. But aside that, you don't want to touch to anything else in the DI folder.

Yali wrote:Also, I didn't start in the Cleft. It loaded my Gehn Shard avvie in Relto and now I want to access the Myst V Descent, but how?
:shock: That sounds like it started the Gehn Shard instead. Usually, when launching DI you start in the Cleft until you find the link to the Relto (just like in regular Complete Chronicles).

As for accessing Myst V's Descent... I think you need to get the Relto book first, but then you only need to jump over the fence surrounding the volcano and into its crater (the fence is a bit hard to climb, so keep trying or type /jump 200 in the chat area).
Hmmm, and if you want to access the Age without returning to the Cleft...
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Moulton » Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:15 am

Since the Offline Ki stores your Ki images on your own local hard drive, is there any reason to limit the maximum number of directly accessible in-game Ki images to 50? Is there an adjustable parameter for that, or is the max of 50 Ki images hardwired into the compiled client?
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby diafero » Sun Jan 10, 2016 2:04 pm

When you play on DI, images are stored on your local drive for your convenience - but they also have to be stored on the server, so that you can send KI images to other players. That's why there is a limit. You can delete images from your KI to get more space on the server; the files on your drive will stick around, so you still have all the pictures.
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Zesty of Xeniphers » Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:17 am

Annabelle wrote:
2) There's a nice "The UAM Walkthrough Project" that has been done by Dustin when he was still active in the community. You can view it following this link [LINK REDACTED]

the above link doesn't work anymore. what happened ? does anyone know ?

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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby janaba » Wed Jan 13, 2016 11:05 am

Hi, Zesty, the link you're mentioning was given by Annabelle in September 2013, and yes, much has changed, and Dusty himself isn't with the GoW for a much longer time already ... :P

Here's the new [LINK REDACTED] (it hasn't been updated for a very long time anymore though), but as Annabelle proposed back then too, you can have more extensive walkthroughs (initially based on Dustin's Wiki), links and more new pictures in my two PDF files for all fan ages, please find the link in this thread if you like and have fun ... :)

Edit: I in no way want to forget to mention Korov'ev's awesome job, he did last year, when he excellently transferred all fan age data to the 'Gallery of Fan Created Ages' here in the GoW Wiki ... 8-)

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