How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Wamduskasapa » Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:42 am

Zesty of Xeniphers wrote:we managed to get to the 4th sphere, touched the last cloth but where is the portal ???

Deep Island is an Alcugs Shard based on URU CC - So that version has no collectable wedge. The wizards here, decided to correct this lack and shortcoming by incorporating the necessary code from MOUL. Allowing an individual to reach that missing section of Ahnonay. The only thing you now need to do is link to the proper age to find the link to that missing portion of Ahnonay

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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Zesty of Xeniphers » Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:56 am

thanks Wamduskasapa :) a great help because there is no way we could figure that out.

now another question, is there any hint-through ;) for the fan ages. we finished elodeas ages successfully but are stuck in sonavio. is there any way to contact the creator of the game ? or is anyone willing to help ?
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Annabelle » Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:57 pm

Zesty of Xeniphers wrote:thanks Wamduskasapa :) a great help because there is no way we could figure that out.

now another question, is there any hint-through ;) for the fan ages. we finished elodeas ages successfully but are stuck in sonavio. is there any way to contact the creator of the game ? or is anyone willing to help ?

I can gladly help with any fan age. Sonavio is a nice puzzle age.

1) I can provide help if you need some or...

2) There's a nice "The UAM Walkthrough Project" that has been done by Dustin when he was still active in the community. You can view it following this link [LINK REDACTED] or...

3) You can download Janaba's PDF files which emcompass "The UAM Walkthrough Project" done by Dustin with additions made by Janaba herself. You can download these PDF files following this link

Mod Note: Removed link to website hosting disgusting personal attacks.
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Ehren » Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:10 pm

Annabelle wrote:We also don't see any crabs in the 1st sphere.

Well, keep in mind that CC has no code for making the quabs return overtime. So once the quabs have been kicked off they are gone for good unless you reset the entire age. Since it's one big shared instance, those quabs would only have one chance to appear and be kicked off.

The Great Tree shirt is also missing from the Watcher's Guild balcony, I would also guess that since it is a single instance one person took it and now it is stuck gone.
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Sirius » Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:58 pm

Actually, the shirt in the Great Tree pub should be there. For this Age, Phil's Relto and Ahnonay, clicking the shirt shouldn't make the object disappear so that someone else can click it.

Making the quabs return should be possible since they are spawned by a Python file. It seems the problem is that they can't figure out which way to go when more than 2 players are nearby (and that's related to the game engine, so no way to fix it).
Could be fun, though: it means for once the quabs could push YOU into the water, trying to escape someone else :lol:
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Zesty of Xeniphers » Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:20 am

thanks annabelle. actually we are not interested in walkthroughs just a small hints here and there when we are not patient enough :) i will contact you via PM if necessary. thanks again
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Annabelle » Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:20 am

@ Zesty: Do what suit you the most :) . You can contact me by PM. I'm logging everyday on MOULa forum & on GoW forum so it shouldn't be too long before any answer from my part.

@Ehren: That's why a like Ahnonay of DI over the one found on any MOUL based shard, the crabs are not coming back. Having to get rid of them every once in a while, I don't really like it.

@Ehren & Sirius:

For the shirts, I wouldn't go with Sirius' answer. I'm guessing that they aren't because of their locations.

The Great Tree Pub shirt is located in a part of Kadish Office not reachable (only found in MOULa's version). When we link to that office, the door is close so we cannot reached the hallway where the shirt is located.

The DRC vest is located in Phil's Relto only in MOULa's version. Since we access the TPoTS's version of Phil's Relto, we cannot see the vest.

I make assumptions as to why the shirts aren't there. Maybe I'm wrong.
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Zesty of Xeniphers » Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:02 am

hi everyone. i found all the commands pages here (links provided by annabele) but i did not find some commands that i have seen some players (not administrators) using. for example switching day to night and the opposite in minkata, swimming in the air etc. can anyone please tell me where i can find those commands ?
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby diafero » Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:38 pm

Switching day and night in Minkata is not a KI command. It's part of the age's gameplay, so what you're looking for here is a general Uru walkthrough. Or better, just spend some time figuring out the puzzle :)

I have no idea where people are swimming through the air on DI^^
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Re: How to play URU in DI Shard for dummies

Postby Ainia » Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:47 pm

Shorah Zesty,

I don't know if this is what you saw, but I know of two fan Ages where it's possible (and necessary) to swim through the air. I don't know of any KI command to allow this in general, though.
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