Metal age #1

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Metal age #1

Postby BAD » Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:04 pm


I had this dream about a very strange and dangerous age. One built by the budding Guild of Writers. Something perhaps we started as a different idea, but went a bit wrong, or as a pure concept age, in an attempt to see what was possible. In any event the back story isn't the cool part of the age, but the story of how the age turned out, and how it looks will be the thing.

This age is basically a small planetoid. It is to small to be a planet, and way to unstable. It consist primarily of metals, with a molten metal core. The surface, however, is almost completely covered in water.

Before I finish describing how it looks let me explain what has happened. This planetoid, many millions of years ago, was nothing but a ball of molten metals with some other elements too, but not much. It was relatively close to the sun it revolved around which kept it's surface temperatures boiling hot. 30 million years ago a large comet hit the sphere, distorting it heavily at first and depositing billions of tons of water on the surface, not to mention oxygen and a myriad of other gases and minerals. This collision also broke the planetoid from it's native rotation around the sun. It shifted away from the sun and into an asteroid belt. This wasn't happening very fast (except for the impact of course). It took the planetoid about 10 million years to hit the belt. With limited gravity (being about twice the size of the Earth's moon) The asteroids did not impact the surface as hard as if they were falling towards it. As the Metal core was still extremely hot (even with the coating of water and a small atmosphere), the crust of the planetoid was very thin. When the asteroids hit, they sort of splashed molten metal into the atmosphere. In some cases the impacts caused large spires and gnarled shapes into the surface rising out of the waters (The water never got that deep, only perhaps 300 meters at the most). After many impacts and the planetoid leaving the asteroid belt (though slowed considerably), the surface looked very alien to how it started. Giant spires rose out of the ocean at weird angles like time motion captures of disturbed water surface, frozen that way as the metal cooled too fast to settle back to a smooth ball. Finally as it continued to lose speed over another 20 million years, the now very gnarled ball has succumb to the suns gravity again, and has begun taking a very weird rotation.

I imagine it would now have a very elliptical rotation. So it may be possible that it could run into other things in that solar system again. This we could explain will be many millions of years off, but the possibility is to risky to allow this age to be explored normally. Plus there is a problem with the fact that the atmosphere is not suitable to sustain human life. This age could either be a pod, or only explored with Maintainers suits on. Either way, I would like to see the complete globe built. Also since everything is practically metal, it would be neat to have some kind of magnetic shoes needed to keep from getting hurt from the lower gravity. That may not be a problem since the guys who walked on the moon didn't get hurt, and this age will have more gravity than the moon anyway.

I will for sure be doing some sketches of this idea so keep a look out for them. If anyone wants to add anything to this age's story, go right ahead. The only thing I ask is that we keep it as an experiment of some kind made recently, and that the visible surface of the age (structures are ok to add) does not get changed.

What do you all think? :D
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Re: Metal age #1

Postby ChaosSong » Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:42 pm

How about instead of a pod, more like a vehicle that could still give you a good look around, but allow for exploration in a hostile environment?

I'm picturing a mag-lev VW, but I bet an artist would have a better concept.
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Re: Metal age #1

Postby BAD » Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:44 pm

That sounds cool.

The pods didn't seem that popular in MOUL, so maybe we should shy away from them.....
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Re: Metal age #1

Postby Nadnerb » Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:38 pm

I foresee lots of environment maps in your future. >.>

I'm imagining a ball of shiny chrome-like metal, with huge frozen splash shapes in them. In that state, it sounds pretty enticing..
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Re: Metal age #1

Postby BAD » Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:57 am

I was thinking that too!


As there is no life, and limited amounts of weathering, things will look pretty freaky. :)
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Re: Metal age #1

Postby belford » Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:03 am

I wouldn't be worried about pods at this point. Uru players were dissatisfied because they felt small for a month's work out of Cyan. We're not Cyan and we're still learning, so there's plenty of excuse to try a small Age out.

A good pod model would be an excellent asset for the GoW to have. Anybody could download it, and try creating a small visual environment (outside the pod) without worrying about collision or too much player movement.
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Re: Metal age #1

Postby Vamp » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:23 pm

The description of your age has already got me shaking with anticipation. It sounds like an eerie, yet beautiful place!
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