Uh, why get rid of everything when he/you could just delete the personal sav? O.o
Lontahv wrote:Uh, why get rid of everything when he/you could just delete the personal sav? O.o
def negilahnbugfix1(self):
#negilahn book shows up, because SinglePlayerMode saves all links to your owned list, and negilahn was partially implemented in pots.
vault = ptVault()
self.msg("uruutils: looking for negilahn link.")
pal = vault.getAgesIOwnFolder()
contents = pal.getChildNodeRefList()
for content in contents:
link = content.getChild().upcastToAgeLinkNode()
info = link.getAgeInfo()
if (info):
agename = info.getAgeFilename()
self.msg("uruutils: found negilahn link, deleting...")
Jamey wrote:What does this mean?
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