Prison Ages

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Prison Ages

Postby Jinglish » Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:19 am

I have an idea for a prison age(s) that I'd like to talk about...a kind of "prison training age." My basic thought is that perhaps right after Veovis' first escape, the maintainers and writers collaborated on a prison age that could be used for testing...or, maybe it's a series of prison ages that link to each other, that are progressively harder to solve. They might have been used by the d'ni to test both writers and maintainers who were going to create and service prison ages, to hone their skills...

Link to current story if desired by Cyan could be that they know there is something - a tool, a message, etc. - that is in the endpoint of this age or ages that the DRC can't get to. Maybe it's something that can help in the Bahro war. They have reluctantly decided to let explorers in to try and solve the age to get to the needed thing or information, because it's so important...
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Re: Prison Ages

Postby Pryftan » Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:04 pm

I've been thinking we should begin with something like Prison Ages, since they're small and basic. IC, we can say we've been searching for Prison Age Descriptive Books because they're the easiest to reverse engineer, being so much smaller than your average Age.

I think the idea of Prison Ages that link to eachother and are progressively harder to solve sounds like a pretty interesting twist on the subject.
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Re: Prison Ages

Postby Kierra » Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:32 pm

Doesn't that toe the line of "D'ni created" content though?

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Re: Prison Ages

Postby Jinglish » Sun Sep 30, 2007 7:04 pm

I would like to see some clarification from Cyan of the do's and don'ts, Kierra. You may be right, but I wonder how we could steer entirely clear of that type of content...
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Re: Prison Ages

Postby Sira » Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:01 pm

I think that a cool story line might involve someone being found IN a Prison Age. A D'ni that survived the fall that never knew about it. Or perhaps it could involve finding his journal in the prison age, following the clues until someone finds him. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
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