Talking about the linking panels in Myst V, if you look at Myst V's python file you'll see this:
- Code: Select all
from Plasma import *
BookStart1 = '<font size=10>'
LinkStart = '<img src="'
TransLinkStart = '<img opacity=0.7 src="'
kFirstLinkPanelID = 100
LinkEnd = ('*1#0.hsm" align=center link=%d blend=alpha>' % kFirstLinkPanelID)
LinkEndPage = '*1#0.hsm" align=center link=%d blend=alpha>'
LinkEndNoLink = '*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha>'
PageStart = '<pb>'
MovieLinkStart = '<movie src="avi\\'
MovieLinkEnd = ('.bik" align=center link=%d resize=yes>' % kFirstLinkPanelID)
xAgeLinkingBooks = {'Siralehn': (1.0,
((((BookStart1 + PageStart) + LinkStart) + 'xLinkPanelNexusDefault') + LinkEnd),),
'DireboThgr': (1.0,
(((((BookStart1 + PageStart) + MovieLinkStart) + 'direboWithAlpha') + MovieLinkEnd) + '<img src="xLinkingBookIslandSchematic01*1#0.hsm" pos=128,256 blend=alpha resize="no">'),),
'DireboTdlm': (1.0,
(((((BookStart1 + PageStart) + MovieLinkStart) + 'direboWithAlpha') + MovieLinkEnd) + '<img src="xLinkingBookIslandSchematic02*1#0.hsm" pos=128,256 blend=alpha resize="no">'),),
You have MovieLinkStart and MovieLinkEnd, a bit like the ImgStart that we use in the Python for linking books in Uru.
And of course it's defined at the beginning of the python file, "movie src=", where as in Uru we normally have ImgStart as "img src="
I think D'Lanor told me that the reason this doesn't work (I tried it many months ago), is because Uru's Python doesn't know what "movie src=" is.
Or was it Uru's Plasma doesn't know what "movie src=" is? Not sure I remember that right, just that it won't work because one or the other doesn't know what that is.