Assembling a team!

General debates and discussion about the Guild of Writers and Age creation

Assembling a team!

Postby Eschaton » Sun Sep 30, 2007 7:14 pm

After this edit, I am still looking for:

A modeller, an artist, and someone familiar with python.

This post is considerably less strained than my last few, but I'm attempting to be a bit more open about the project. At the moment, I'm trying to find insurance papers in my house, while also getting this shout out, so I'm keeping this post simple. If you really are interested in making a very unique age, post your KI# and I'll send you a good bit of info. You can decide if you like what you see, or if you want to run away while you still can, after that (the plot and the design, as well as the world concept is very much fleshed-out). :D

Oh, yes, Blender is starting to click to me, BUT I can hardly say I'm experienced. Things like making environment maps work, blending faces and textures seamlessly in there . . . that's still beyond me.

This age isn't on the public forums (it's in a private project forum, team only) but we might release a few minor plot and scenery details to entice some help. In the mean time, post a KI# and I'll send you some info! :D
Last edited by Eschaton on Mon Oct 01, 2007 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Followup post

Postby Eschaton » Mon Oct 01, 2007 5:40 pm

28 views, no replies yet :|

Perhaps the thread name needs to be catchier, but I'm thinking that when it really comes down to it, when the opportunity is given, most would rather not work on an age. It's time consuming, Cyan hasn't been helping us, and some people are waiting around here to be told how it's all going to work. I'm not looking for godlike people here. Everyone has to start somewhere.

I'm going to let this thread keep going for a while, see if anyone is willing. This will certainly take time, and there's only 60 registered users, so there probably aren't as many capable as I was ambitiously hoping for, and even fewer willing among them.

I'm asking the community move a bit faster, possibly faster than they are comfortable with. I'm seeing every project happening on these boards slow down as the concepts near completion. Why? Because everyone seems to have serious apprehensions about moving beyond that. I don't. I'm not reckless, far from it. This story is original, the age design has never been done (nor anything like it), which means the absolute worst that can happen is the finished project waiting for Cyan approval for a very long time.

There is nothing I can offer as compensation for the time everyone is afraid of losing by working on what may end up as unapproved age, but it's my opinion that designing countless ages without ever making one, or waiting months or years before the path is clearly set before us . . . I consider that a far more dire waste of time, and inaction a greater sin. I don't suspect the wait will be much longer, that GoW Ages are right around the corner, but even if they aren't, it can't hurt to have an age ready to go.

The worst thing we can do is turn into a board of people making suggestions that are never used. If it isn't my age, then work on someone else's. But let's not kill this community by waiting for word from Cyan before we go any further. Let's not wait until most have lost interest or enthusiasm.

I should stop now, this isn't a gloom-and-doom post, it isn't meant to be. Perhaps I expect too much.

But, again, if anyone reading this is interested in blazing a trail, in being part of a team, and is willing to work towards a great goal, I want to hear from you.

I'm not asking that you be the best, only that you try, and sometimes, try harder.
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Re: Assembling a team!

Postby Dovahn » Mon Oct 01, 2007 5:49 pm


I'm a modeler (learning, but I consider myself pretty good if I know what I'm doing).

While I'm not ready to make a comittment, I'll take a look. If you could PM me, rather than KI mail me, that would be better (it's easier to check PMs). Personally I want to work more on the as-of-yet hypothetical "Showcase age" but I am interested.

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Re: Assembling a team!

Postby Eschaton » Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:41 pm

Alright, I'll have to copy the stuff from my KI which means you'll get it tomorrow. I'm about to get to bed, and still need to finish up a rather large post in project forums ('tis big). No commitments upfront, but if you find yourself interested and join the team, you will need to agree not to disclose details in the event you find yourself committed to another project, or just lose interest in this one. The PM I'm sending you is just general information on the age, though, which will hopefully let you know whether you are interested enough to agree coming on board. The PM isn't going to say anything I'd be afraid of you repeating elsewhere, so it lets us both keep from being put in an awkward position (one where you have the full details on the project, agreed to keep tight-lipped on it, but are not working on it).

And thanks for stepping up, whether you take the job or not.
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Re: Assembling a team!

Postby James L » Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:32 pm

Thank you, Dovahn.

Transferring what you have on your KI OC is a good idea, anyway.

And what, may I ask, is in that 'general information'? ;)

But to the point, I look forward to seeing what you can do. I loved that 'quick-build' you did for the showcase forum. Simple, yet elegantly inspirational, from an artistic standpoint.

God day, then.
James Leslie, Guild of Writers
And so, I close, realising that perhaps the ending has not yet been written.
- Atrus
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James L
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