Is there a spawn command in Gehn

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Re: Is there a spawn command in Gehn

Postby Deledrius » Sat May 31, 2014 9:30 am

philipgr wrote:If I ruffle some feathers and get into trouble over this post, so be it. I am not inferring nor do I think that all explorers are unhelpful and behave in this way. I have met some very nice people and received help from nice folks like yourself and Annabelle.

Posts requesting assistance are always welcome here. If there's any problem with your post it's only that it's off-topic in this particular thread, but we're not very uptight about that; it's just easier to keep track of things if threads are appropriate for the contents within.

Also, there won't be ruffled feathers here talking about people being rude in MOULa. It's a fact, it happens, and we're not about hiding things instead of discussing them and dealing with them, so long as the discussion is civil and constructive.

As for your initial question, no, there is no way for the average player to use such commands on Gehn. Gehn doesn't use the OfflineKI which is, I presume, the origin of the command for which you are looking. For the safety of yourself and others we have refrained from adding them to the Gehn client. It's unfortunate that it means certain segments of the game require multiple players, but if you ask around for assistance people are usually quite willing to help out and meet up!
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Re: Is there a spawn command in Gehn

Postby janaba » Sat May 31, 2014 9:36 am

Hi, philipgr, Acorn and Kae are right, it is always good to post questions/suggestions and whatever to the respective forums of the resp. shards ... It is for some reasons difficult to handle all of this centralized in one place, so, if one wants to experience and enjoy the various shards it is best to also join their forums, and why not ... :P

Ok, now, to end your little odyssey through the various Uru landscapes/shards if you like, just tell us, Acorn and me, here in this thread when you'd like to be online and on which shard, MOULa, TOC or Gehn (I'm not on the DI shard, but also on the Minkata shard) ... I think we can also handle them all in one go in succession if you like, I and I believe Acorn too have them all ready to just link in ... We both are in or around your time zone, which is a great chance for you to choose a convenient time for yourself without challenging us too much in that respect lol ... So, I'd say ready your water Ahnonays, means chase those pesky, but lovely quabs into the water, have your Er'cana pellets ready everywhere, be equipped with pencil and paper or just choose a nice screenshot tool (you know that you cannot use your KI in that Bahro cave?) and then you're ready to go, for those great rides and K'veer and Myst (the library at least lol) ... This is a special offer not always given away that easy, now, just let us know when ... :)
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Re: Is there a spawn command in Gehn

Postby Annabelle » Sat May 31, 2014 10:44 pm

Hi philipgr,

I would gladly help you out with your Er'cana/Ahnonay solving but I'm not in the same timezone as you are. I think you can arrange a meeting with one of the two lovely ladies that are always ready to help: acorn and janaba. They are both in your timezone or just beside so it would be easier. I'm in North America so the time difference is too huge. I'm in every shard though.

What I find funny is janaba's comment about not being present on Deep Island so she cannot help you out there. I'm not making fun of her, I just find it funny because in Deep Island you have to solve the Path of the Shell all alone so even if you don't find any help, you should be able to get there ;) ... just think on how you solve URU:CC offline.

On a less funny note...

for the harsh welcome some explorers get on MOULa, it's an unfortunate reality :( . I don't say it couldn't evolve in a good way, many on MOULa behave civily. That main server is like a seaport, people come and go, you can see nice people with good morality and good behaviour but you can also see a lot of pirates (old definition of pirates here :lol: with the hook & the funny accent ;) ) with less manners and so on. I met people on MOULa I wouldn't have wanted to meet in RL, bad, very bad social skills, asocial, people with mental issues, etc. On the other hands, I've met great, awesome, brilliant young, middle age, old & "wise" ;) women & men on that same server and when I do compare the balance of bad and good, the balance is more on the good side.

Also an avatar don't give much info or background on the human behind it. I had in the past to tell a grown-up man to stop laughing and picking on young boys who were having fun fooling around in the city making up over-the-top stories on the public chat. Boys will be boys! They were just acting like young boys on the street running at each other and playing with foam sabres and pretending they were Jedis. Some just think every explorers are a lambda male or female of 30-45 of age with University degree working and having a family, this is not the reality!

I know there's some racism (mostly unnoticed because the perpretrors go in PM chat) against non-English speakers. I've been targetted quite a few times. What was funny is how they reacted when I nailed them afterward! I might be using extensively French but I'm used to street slang English so I tend to defend myself easily. I think the best for the brazilian guy is to seek help from one of the many greeters on the MOULa shard server or ask help in The International Hood as other explorers said already on this topic.

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Re: Is there a spawn command in Gehn

Postby philipgr » Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:28 am

Hi Deledrus

Thank you for your response. I have noted yr comments. I am sorry for not creating a new post. I realize my post was off comment.

Philip :)
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Re: Is there a spawn command in Gehn

Postby philipgr » Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:51 am

Hi Acorn

Thank you for yr response. You are correct I posted my post in the wrong place. I appologize for doing so. I have played offline Uru for years, I have only being playing the online versions since April this year. I guess I have a lot to learn. I did not know about the International tab. The MOULa forum pages and layout are a little difficult to work out. It is not always obvious what you need to do. I am more used to the Linux forums which are layed out by area and problem type. Mind you the Linux forums serve a different purpose. Yr forum is better layed out.

I did not know about that MOULa had their own Guild Of Greeters. I will try and find out how to contact them. The main reason I came here is that I thought that because the DI shard is based in Germany I would be more likely to find a Portugese speaking person here than in the US where the predominant language.

Thank you for your offer of assistance. In MOULa I managed to get help with Ahnonay. The guy that helped me was the only other explorer in the cavern. I managed to get to the control room when Cyan dropped their server for maintenance. I guess that was why no-one was around. I will have to find out where they post their info notices. When I next went in I had to swing the sphere again by going to the cathedral via the sphere 4 age pedestal. I was finally able to get to the control room. For MOULa I need to have pellet drop. I have found that my KI will take a picture of the cavern walls but not the pool. I still need to do the whole thing in TOC and Gehn. Afterwhich I need to workout how to do Delin and Tsogal.

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Re: Is there a spawn command in Gehn

Postby philipgr » Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:04 am

Hi janaba

Thank you for your offer of help. I managed to get help swinging sphere 4 in MOULa. I still need to do it in TOC and Gehn. I did not know about the Mintaka shard. Yipee another place to visit. I have managed to complete Mintaka, still trying to get the sand out of my eyes. I managed to take a Ki picture of the cross on the wall in the lower cave. It does not store it in yr KI but it does store it in the 'KI Images' subfolder of the 'Uru Live' folder in the documents folder in Windows 7.

I will let you know when I am ready. There is no rush so whenever you are free is fine. I may not be able to do all of them in one session as I get disconnected a fair amount, usually when I least need it, especially in the Pod ages.

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Re: Is there a spawn command in Gehn

Postby Acorn » Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:11 am

Hi, philipgr, please don't worry about the cross-posting, Deledrius said they're not uptight about it! :)

Getting familiar with the MOULa and Cyan forums might be a good idea, as that way you will get to know about planned downtime BUT unfortunately there is quite a lot of unplanned downtime in MOULa these days. :(

You may have spotted that we've just had a Gehn update and there should be quite a few explorers around once the shard is back up, so you should be able to find some helpers. I've got a new avvie I need to take through its paces - and the Tsar and his minions seem to have fixed that slave cave issue that was annoying you! However, even if it's back up by then, this evening may not be the ideal time because over on MOULa at 13.00 Ki (in around 3 hours' time) there will be an All Guilds Meeting and a lot of explorers go along to that, to hear what's happening in MOULa and the other shards. If you've not been before, and if you have time, I'd recommend coming along - it's held in the lecture theatre in Kirel, in MOULa.

Incidentally, back to your original post - I discovered today that the Gehn Ki command "/saveclothing *name*" and then "/loadclothing *name*" can work as an unintended spawn command. :o I was zooming all over the place this morning when using it! :lol: I don't remember this happening in Gehn19. :?
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Re: Is there a spawn command in Gehn

Postby philipgr » Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:23 am

Hi Annabelle

Thank you for yr response. I guess the cavern is much like the office. You just get some people that just do not know how to behave nicely. As you said it is rather difficult to see who is hiding behind the avatar much like at a costume party. I usually just try to ignore rude and unhelpful people. Coming from a country that has nine official languages of which I only speak to I can appreciate the Brazilian guy's frustration trying to get help. This is the bit that made me cross and frustrated.

I was glad when the lady arrived asking for help because I was about to say something rude which would have got me into heeps of trouble. She basically she saved me from myself. She took a pic of the cross on the wall but could not find it in her KI. I suggested she looked in her KI Image folder. She replied that she had found it and that she did not know it existed. Awhile later she linked back in wearing Catherine's jacket. She thanked me and when I was replying my connection dropped so I went to bed. I was happy that something posititive had happened.

Thank you for yr suggestion of the International Hood. It did not occur to me to go there. I will try to find out how to contact the MOULa Guild Of Greeters for future help.

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Re: Is there a spawn command in Gehn

Postby philipgr » Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:37 am

Hi Acorn

Thanks for the tip about the Guild meeting MOULa. I will definitely attend. Talking about yr reference to spawn. I have found an issue that occurs in all the shards, which is very annoying, which is when you jump from the first building in Gahreeshan to the middle pillar you always fall through the floor. If you land on the narrow bit next to it you are fine. In TOC you also fall through this part as well. The reason why I am mentioning it is because when I used the /spawn command I would up in the Gahreeshen nexus lift where I kept going up and down and my avie kept changing its' outfits. It was rather funny because while going up and down I got the orange sky you get in fly mode when you move out of the age. I had lots of fun with it. Clearly a bug but a fun bug. I could not get off the lift though.

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