First thing I have to say is almost nothing stays exactly the same in the transition from concept to 'reality'. And any project in GoW is that any story that is associated with anything right now, will almost certainly end up out the window.. That being said, I'm not really here in the GoW for story-telling. At least not right now. It's way to early for that. Besides, I don't think anyone knows quite yet how everything will fit together, including Cyan.
But ultimately I'd like to see a substantial something made for now. That's why I like this Yinfara age. It does have some interesting ideas, and I really think if some effort is put in, it could look really incredible. So I drew up a new map based on the original, but engineered to give it a more realistic look.
The biggest changes I made were with the terrain. There is more land, and the addition of a swamp and some mountainous areas for a more realistic landscape.
The 1st Hut is actually an IC attempt at making a hut, but it was a failure. The 2nd hut would be the actual hut. The ? seems like another good spot for a structure. Not sure what though. The construction areas would be evidence of deforesting and tools used to make the hut (nothing big though). The wall would nestle in the valley formed between the two rocky areas. I'm not sure how the tides will actually play into things with the topography (seeing how I've not actually made the topography yet!). The actual layout of the structures is mostly the same though. All of the green areas would be forest with patches of grass and leaves and such.
But of course I would want to consult on such a major change in the overall design of the Age.