D'ni in Unreal! :D

If you feel like you're up to the challenge of building your own Ages in Blender or 3ds Max, this is the place for you!

Re: D'ni in Unreal! :D

Postby janaba » Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:40 am

Yali, it takes too much time to download this, while it slows down everything else that I do, that's the most important factor ... I've very rarely experienced sth like that ... maybe I'll try it at different times again ... :P

Your above picture alone and all of your artworks you've presented by now is very dn'i-ish, of course, that's your passion, and of gorgeous beauty and excellent quality, so I can imagine how impressive and awesome your virtual D'ni environment will look and feel ... Thank you for sharing your talents and passion with us, Yali ... :)
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Re: D'ni in Unreal! :D

Postby Yali » Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:17 am

I'm gonna try to reduce the file size next update. Not sure why its so big.

Janaba, how fast is your PC or internet? Just wondering since Unreal is quite performance heavy. I have a fairly modern PC (2011 Quadcore and a GTX 760 and I'm pretty good when it comes to lag in newer engines).
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Re: D'ni in Unreal! :D

Postby janaba » Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:54 am

Haha, mine is about as old as yours, Yali, 2011 Quadcore, Win7 HomePremium 64bit, though NVidia GTS 450, internet connection: 1&1 DSL 16.000 contract, FritzBoxFon DSL Router 100 Mbps (wired, no WLAN), so, while not the bleeding-edge lol, but in general it's all still fast enough to get things done within a reasonable amount of time, means a download of about 1 or 1.3 GB takes about an hour or 1.5 hrs, almost no lag in games etc, and in general I can download sth while watching sth on YouTube or do other stuff at the same time with no problem ... :P
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Re: D'ni in Unreal! :D

Postby Yali » Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:14 am

Ah good. I'm probably going to upload a new version tonight so you could wait for that. If not, I tried myself downloading my own file and it progressed well enough. Took about 30 minutes.
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Re: D'ni in Unreal! :D

Postby dendwaler » Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:32 am

Hmm, 1 minute at the most and it was downloaded. :D
Those wonderfull Worlds are called " Ages" , because that is what it takes to build one.

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Re: D'ni in Unreal! :D

Postby Yali » Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:42 am

Some news... I've partnered up with an environment artist to help build some assets. We agreed that we definitely should do some pre-production to plan out the scope of the project. We're also looking for some concept artists to help flesh out some of environments. Also if anyone is really into modelling we definitely could use the help. The plan thus far is to develop a Myst fan game.

Unreal is fairly easy to use which makes the potential for development of complete game much more plausible. The room thus far has taken me a little more than a day so it shouldn't be too hard to develop new areas, especially if we amass some more builders.
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Re: D'ni in Unreal! :D

Postby janaba » Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:45 am

... :shock: ... Yali, I just downloaded it in even less than 30 minutes ... /cheer and /shrug lol, but this is actually normal, ohh, I'm glad ... /cheer again ... :P

Ok, as I've indicated above already, and as I've also expected it to be, your D'ni room is absolutely gorgeous, very D'ni, atmospheric and just amazing ... all the details, the lights, the ambience and the music and just about everything ... The shooter is funny (but only, because we're not really doing sth serious with it lol), I've included two pictures with those big yellow bullets below ... It is great that one can freely move and jump everywhere ... An absolutely awesome job, Yali, thanks again ... :)

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Re: D'ni in Unreal! :D

Postby Yali » Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:37 pm

Thanks for the warm comments janaba! :)

I've started a blog with reference pictures and soon we'll have some original concept art. :D
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Re: D'ni in Unreal! :D

Postby Yali » Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:52 am

An update... I've been discussing story ideas with the other artist. There are essentially two potential game concepts we're throwing around. The first one is the http://www.darkagame.tumblr.com idea which would be a Myst fan game. The second is an entirely original concept separate from the Myst series but with a Myst "feel" that can be found at http://www.mirrorsgame.tumblr.com. The problem is I'm excited for both.

Mirrors is my older concept and is a little more fantasy/sci-fi than doing Darka. Mirrors is also more ambitious as it is right now as I've developed a whole continent's worth of lore. We've talked about turning it more into a Myst-like experience with a small central hub rather than an open-world sandbox a la Elder Scrolls. While this solves things in the short term, it necessitates further expansion in the way of sequels. I'm not sure I'm ready to be tied down to a series just yet and if that series never gets made, it'll be a kind of unresolved cliffhanger a la Uru Live's closure which I want to avoid.

Darka is also fairly old but less developed than Mirrors lore wise. The age ideas I have go back a decade which means that they're solid in my mind. The story is in flux but I have what I think would be a great expansion on the D'niverse without messing too much up out of the main canon of Myst. The pros of this project is a) its self-contained and b) there's a already a huge market for another Myst game, especially if its done in Unreal 4 and has a different aesthetic than Obduction/Uru. My main influence is Myst and Riven meaning the Robyn Miller/Richard Vander Wende combo, so I'm leaning on a design that's more dark and atmospheric like Myst (and especially) Riven but with its own twist.

The problem with doing Darka is the obvious issue of copyright. Where do Cyan draw the line? Intangibles is ok, but showing places like K'veer in Unreal... is that within bounds? Has Cyan's stance on intellectual property changed since Obduction/Intangibles/RAWA 2.0? I have some ideas shown in the room environment that would bring in references to characters from the series, such as Veovis and Dr. Watson. I even have a plan to have Dr. Watson play an active role in the story, leaving notes and journals and such for the player to read. The game would begin with the player arriving at a secluded library to meet Dr. Watson (the unknown player's professor of D'ni studies) and find him absent. There mysterious things would occur, leading the player to the main age.

So yeah, I sent an email to Tony asking him about these issues. Of course with a game like Darka, it would be free unless Cyan would like to have it sold, in which case I would hand over 100% of the profits to them directly since I that's what would make sense.

Any thoughts?
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Re: D'ni in Unreal! :D

Postby Sirius » Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:45 am

Wow, that would be ambitious :shock: That's a great idea, though. Here is my opinion about it, if you're interested.

In Darka, I think reusing the Myst/Uru lore is too tricky (especially if you plan to reuse known characters like Watson or Veovis). While Cyan seems open to any fan contributions, they are quite tight on keeping the lore intact since it's their baby (and Cyan themselves had trouble avoiding lore-breaking mistakes like wrong use of linking books - that's saying how tricky it can be). So working with existing stuff is probably going to be very hard if Cyan is involved.

Or, maybe you could go ahead and claim that this is pure fan-fiction loosely based on Uru's world, which is just "what if's" and which shouldn't be considered as cannon. This means Cyan wouldn't recognize it as being "Myst" or "Uru", but it would exist nonetheless for people who are interested in it.
I don't know if that's legally possible, but in a sense that's what some fan-Ages have been doing for quite a while now, so if that's allowed, you'd be completely free to make an awesome Uru-based story without Cyan being in the way of every plot twist :)

Mirrors would be a lot easier lore-wise, if you already have most of it :) But of course, there is always the problem of being tied to a big project which might take years to complete. On the other hand, it also means you may have more fun making it since you wouldn't have Cyan always breathing down your neck.
And as a personal opinion, I think it's refreshing when fans of a game decide to start something completely new instead of reusing well-known stuff. Usually that's a good way to get people out of their comfort zone and surprise them.

About getting Cyan to approve anything (in general, not just Darka), I think the best way is to drop all Myst/Uru characters and locations, and come up with a completely new set of Ages, characters and stories. Ages and Linking Books are still a formidable story tool, which allows you to invent any world you can possibly want, with its own society, technology n'stuff.
And, as I said, it's cool to see new things that you aren't expecting when playing "normal" Myst.

Yali wrote:Of course with a game like Darka, it would be free unless Cyan would like to have it sold, in which case I would hand over 100% of the profits to them directly since I that's what would make sense.
This might not be the most pressing matter, but IMHO either the game is completely free in which case it's a gift to the community (and you don't expect anything but gratitude in return), either it's not and then the money it costs is to reward whoever made it. Since you and your team would be doing at least 90% of the hard work, it wouldn't feel right for Cyan to get the full reward.
Just my opinion.
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