Downscaled textures in Uru

Anything that isn't directly related to Age Creation but that might be interesting to Age developers.

Downscaled textures in Uru

Postby Sirius » Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:38 am

Hey guys.

Just noticed something a bit crazy: it seems Uru sometime uses low resolution textures for no reason.
The textures PRP for every Age sometime contains both a normal version of the texture, and a duplicate using a smaller resolution - and the game ends up using this second texture instead of the higher res one, even if you push the graphics quality to highest in the game's options. Strange, huh ?

Here are a few comparison pictures. Left part is the original game, right one is with the better texture.
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I'm not sure why Cyan did that. It wouldn't make sense to do this just to save video memory... (for the technical guys here, it seems some plLayers point to a mipmap with a higher clipId than the one available, like 0#2 instead of 0#0)

I've implemented this fix in Drizzle, I'll probably release this new version soon after some more testing.
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Re: Downscaled textures in Uru

Postby GPNMilano » Tue Nov 22, 2016 1:22 pm

It uses low resolution textures depending on what was set in the material settings in 3ds Max. Its done to reduce size so that if you say have a rock texture for away that the avatar won't ever get close up with, you can a 1024x rock texture but it'll export as a 512x or you can set it even lower if you want. Plasma by default uses the 512x setting, so even if you put a 1024x image in, it by default exports a 512x version unless you change the setting in the texture field in max to export it as its full size.
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