Koh-Dalan and Tyldalan

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Re: Koh-Dalan and Tyldalan

Postby Itep Edor » Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:08 am

Last edited by Itep Edor on Sun Oct 03, 2021 3:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Koh-Dalan and Tyldalan

Postby ondine » Mon Sep 06, 2021 7:36 am


Each nice project takes time, these worlds seem designed with great love, the puzzles are very captivated and really logical, I was really looking forward to starting again on such a wonderful and new adventure.

A big thank you from all my heart to all those who contributed to the realization of these ages, the graphics are sumptuous, a dream setting, with, as a bonus, beautiful and stimulating animations.

Thank you very much Itep for this beautiful presentation...Congratulations to everybody.

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Re: Koh-Dalan and Tyldalan

Postby Théodore » Mon Sep 06, 2021 10:59 am

I had to step down quite early on yesterday during the Fan Exploration Tour, so I had to figure out for myself all the puzzles in Koh-Dalan Ahchah.

I went so far as to take a nice ride on a ferry through the long winding river underneath the mountain range after powering the blue crystal beams. It is really ingeniously made :), I mean all the mechanical elements. So, now I stand in front of this huge mural with a volcano encircled with 3 D'ni inscriptions, 2 of them I solved: Tildalan at the top, Koh Dalan at the bottom right. The 3rd inscription gives me more hard time.

I know you said, we couldn't explore Tildalan yet due to a bug and that it will be resolved in the upcoming update. Am I on the right track to find the book to Tildalan?

Oh and also, I really like the animation in the Zodiac chamber with the blue falling orbs from the tree there. And thanks for the bed! It is a most useful addition to our Relto, just on the side of the firepit to keep us warm at night. I was please to see a special delivery of a banana today at my door. It is a rare thing, I will eat bananas as they come because if I'm waiting for a delivery I will most likely starved! The postman really comes every 2 days :lol:
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Re: Koh-Dalan and Tyldalan

Postby Sirius » Mon Sep 06, 2021 1:41 pm

Explore the walls near that final area, you missed two well-hidden openings ;)

I'm not really good with puzzles, but I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the Age with everyone the other day :) It's good to see great work still being produced by the various authors here. And it also motivates me to get back to work on my own projects, which is a good thing, haha.
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Re: Koh-Dalan and Tyldalan

Postby Théodore » Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:39 pm

Merci Sirius ! :)

I will go back eventually to find those 2 openings.

And it also motivates me to get back to work on my own projects, which is a good thing, haha.

I can think of Canyon, I like your WIP concept, it would look greater finished with sounds and textures.
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Re: Koh-Dalan and Tyldalan

Postby Itep Edor » Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:02 pm

Dear fellow explorers

Thank you all for your kind words!
It was a great pleasure for the three of us to see so many explorers enjoying our ages.

Minasunda has made a very nice video of our age tour. Thanks very much!

Fan Age Tour - Kohdalan

Ondine, I was very pleased to see you again. And the end is not yet written, ahem I mean published. ;)
But I think you will like it...

Théodore, yes you are on the right track. As Sirius said there you will find these two caves. The smaller one will lead you to the stairway of heaven. So hold on tight when you get there to not fall down. :lol:
There you have to search for the KI :) so you can open the bookshelf that is in the bigger cave.
That will open Tyldalan for you.
And yeah these inscriptions on the wall... the names of the ages changed a bit, but not the inscriptions...
But at least it's still three of them. ;)

And I would strongly advise everybody to take at least three bananas with you.
Maybe you are thinking the puzzles were difficult in Koh Dalan, then you will be surprised what is waiting for you in Tyldalan.
There Fruti shows his real Python Power... :lol:

But the reward will also be awesome.

So until then and see you all there.

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Re: Koh-Dalan and Tyldalan

Postby Théodore » Thu Sep 09, 2021 11:13 am

Thanks Itep Edor!

I found the 2 caves.

On another topic, I couldn't help myself but to visit the link in your signature box and found the answer I was looking for the other day. You are part of the Huru folks team that produced Takla Makan and Janga/Janga Leia. I browsed through your gallery and I saw Takla Makan 2. Maybe I'm digging old bones here but is there any chance one day it could find its way on Deepisland server? I recall at the very end of Takla Makan, we end up in Takla Makan 2's advertisement sphere where it says "Coming soon" :lol:
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Re: Koh-Dalan and Tyldalan

Postby Itep Edor » Tue Sep 14, 2021 7:43 pm

Shorah Théodore

You are right I am the creator of Janga. At that time I did my first steps with Blender and Python. :)
When Janga was finished Edwin added the sailing boat in honor of Katzi and Rich the beacon.
Janga Lela was a coincidence when I tested some settings and I thought it is too nice to not release it.

Then the three of us made Takla Makan, Old Wolle did the puzzles.

But to answer your question, I am afraid unfortunately no.
Takla Makan 2 was done by Edwin alone. He took Takla Makan and changed a lot of the textures and also added some very nice stuff underground.
It looks very lovely and I was really looking forward to the release of it.
But after Katzi, a very dear member of the team, left this planet much too early I was deeply touched and I left everything concerning age creation behind me.
Since then I have no contact to the team of Takla Makan.

I still have the files though but I think, I do not have the right to release them without the consent of Edwin.

But who knows maybe the end has...
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Re: Koh-Dalan and Tyldalan

Postby Théodore » Wed Sep 15, 2021 2:45 pm

Shorah Itep,

Thanks for the information, it is appreciated! I'd rather ask the question to have it settled once and for all. I knew somewhat that Takla Ma'kan was a collaborative project, I thought Takla Ma'kan 2 was just the continuation of it and it was lost in memory. We had some ages like that over the last few years that popped out of nowhere and when you do the research on them they go way back in time. The best examples are Snake River and Fena Barel, old ages that were written back even before the UAM started in Dec 2008 and were just released quite recently to general public.

I saw the Katzi's memorial in the immense Easter Egg section of Takla Ma'kan. All those ages already cited plus Jona'e, Jona'e Hood, & Wianeroy share similarities. They were the early deep exploration, puzzle ages that had no sound, always reset upon reentry, nevertheless they are nice to come back from time to time.

I'm glad you decided to restart writing ages. It is funny to see that Dulcamara's work was based on early German-speaking age builders' works and now your recent ages have integrated Dulcamara's objects and concepts, nice to see age writing evolution.
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Re: Koh-Dalan and Tyldalan

Postby Itep Edor » Fri Sep 17, 2021 6:44 pm

Shorah Théodore

Thanks for asking, even if it brought back some difficult memories, but also many very nice ones.

I remember when I stood for the first time in Janga. Just a simple landscape generated with Terragen, no textures, no sound, no sky.
But it was such a great feeling! And then step by step I created Janga, houses, caves and trees, footstep regions and so on.

Also in Janga there is a hidden memorial for Katzi. Have you seen it? Have you been in the sun? Another well hidden secret place. ;)
Or the "travel-cats" which I made so I could fast travel from one spot to another when there was no fly-mode and I didn't want to run around all the time... :lol:
Such funny memories.

And now with Koh-Dalan it is as if the circle has been closed. (I don't know if you say that in english).
Koh-Dalan has everything I was dreaming of when I was creating Janga, music, many different sounds, changing of day and night and all the animations.
And now finally it is released.
It was such a pleasure to welcome you all there.
I hope many people will visit it and enjoy it a lot.

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