Tutorial and Information Requests

If you feel like you're up to the challenge of building your own Ages in Blender or 3ds Max, this is the place for you!

Re: Tutorial and Information Requests

Postby Maroonroon » Mon Dec 06, 2021 4:51 am

Sirius wrote:It seems the only tutorial we had was on Dustin's website, which is now defunct. No worries though. Here is how you do it:

First, we'll need a "fake" Uru folder to export to. This is required otherwise we risk overwriting the Relto files, which we don't want. Create a new folder somewhere on your PC. Inside, copy UruExplorer.exe, and create an empty "dat" folder.
Go to Korman's configuration panel, where you configured your games folder. Add the newly created "fake" Uru directory as a new game folder. Set its version to "Path of the Shell". Save your preferences so they don't reset.

Then, use ZLZ to import the Relto (Personal.age) into Blender. In the World panel, go to the "Plasma Age" section, and untick the checkbox next to psnlMYSTII (and any other page that might appear, but usually ZLZ only imports psnlMYSTII). This will disable the main Relto island, which will speed up exporting. Also disable "Age Global SDL" below it - you don't need it. Also uncheck "Use Textures Page" - very important. Add a new page, which you name "UamPage-Something" (UamPage-MoreTrees, UamPage-RewardForMyAge, or something like this). Give it a page ID - now this is where it gets tricky, because it mustn't conflict with an existing page. At some point we'll need a proper list like the one we already have for sequence prefixes.
Then, build any stuff you want in this file. Remember to enable "Plasma Object" for each new object, and assign it to your new page ! Once you're done, make sure you're targeting your fake Uru folder, then export the Age (again, MAKE SURE your fake Uru folder is selected. Otherwise you'll screw up your real Uru install and maybe even your savegame).

Go to the fake Uru folder you created. You'll see in the DAT folder that Korman exported the Personal age, along with your new UamPage-Something. Copy that file into your real Uru folder. Almost done.

Finally, inside your real Uru folder, go to "img/UamRelto". You probably have a few files here already. Those tell the Relto Book that your page exists. Create a new file (or duplicate an existing one), and write in it:
Code: Select all
text--en=My test page;

"default" is "off" if you want the player to get the page immediately. If you want the player to obtain the page in your Age, use "unattained" instead.
"pagenum" is the page number which you decided earlier.
"text-en" is a name or short description of what your page does. It will be visible in the Relto book. The "-en" suffix is for English, so you can also add "text-fr" and "text-de" lines for translations.
"hide" allows you to hide existing objects from the Relto when your page is enabled. Delete the line if you don't need it.

This should be enough to get you started. There is also the matter of actually unlocking the Relto page if you set it to "unattained", but I haven't looked into it yet. I'll probably make a proper tutorial on the Wiki later when I have time.

Wow, thank you very much, Sirius! (again 8-) )

Sirius wrote:At some point we'll need a proper list like the one we already have for sequence prefixes.

After looking in the "UamRelto" folder, I wrote a begining of the list, but I don't know how to make a new page in the Wiki and/or where to put a link to it (and maybe what I wrote isn't enough)...
So, I let anybody do it (I think I read that the page nums have to be between 100 and 400, but I can be wrong...):

List of UAM Relto Pages Page Num Show Spoiler
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Re: Tutorial and Information Requests

Postby Sirius » Mon Dec 06, 2021 1:38 pm

Cool, thanks for the edit :) I don't have all the Relto pages installed, so I didn't want to go hunting each page ID.
I'll probably polish all the previous info and make a Wiki entry for this as well at some point.
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Re: Tutorial and Information Requests

Postby Maroonroon » Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:50 am

:) It's only the UAM Relto pages, but it's a begining.

I have imported the Personal.age from my "Offline Uru CC + Drizzle32 + converted MOUL ages" folder and did everything you wrote; I have been able to add the dummy avatar and to remove an object, it works well. :)

That being said, ZLZ don't import every objects of the Relto pages.
So, I restarted but with importing the MOUL version of the Personal.age file; every objects of the Relto pages (but the fans ones) seems to be in Blender.
Then, I'll do the adds in the Personal "Scene", I'll created a new Scene and I'll copy (Ctrl + L) the adds in that Scene.
Next, I'll open a new project in Blender and import the Personal.age from my "Offline Uru CC + Drizzle32 + converted MOUL ages", link the new Scene of the other project and copy the new Scene's objects (Ctrl + L) in the Personal Scene; I think it will work. I'll tell you.

Edit: It seems to work.
The things that are still missing are the objects of the Relto pages from the fans; I don't manage to add the PRP files off the Relto pages from the fans (Personal_District_UamPage-something.prp), ZlZ/Blender "couln't find PRP ID"...
Please, how to open them in Blender, please?
Last edited by Maroonroon on Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tutorial and Information Requests

Postby Sirius » Wed Dec 08, 2021 1:54 am

Maroonroon wrote:The things that are still missing are the objects of the Relto pages from the fans; I don't manage to add the PRP files off the Relto pages from the fans (Personal_District_UamPage-something.prp), ZlZ/Blender "couln't find PRP ID"...
Please, how to open them in Blender, please?

Yeah, the problem is that those pages (as well as the MOULa additions) are not listed in the Personal.age file. Move the Personal.age file out of the DAT folder, reimport those PRPs with the "Clear Scene" option off. (Alternatively, you can also add those pages manually to the .age file, but remember to revert those changes after import.)

EDIT: now fixed in the latest version ! Importing single PRPs that aren't listed in the .age file will no longer cause issues. They still won't get imported if you select the .age file itself, though, so watch out.
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Re: Tutorial and Information Requests

Postby Maroonroon » Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:21 pm

It works; and another fix as a bonus! Thank you again Sirius! 8-)
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Re: Tutorial and Information Requests

Postby Sirius » Sat Dec 18, 2021 8:13 am

Tutorial is available in the wiki, along with the list of page IDs (thanks for that ! 8-) ).

It's still missing the part about making the page collectable. Until now each fan Age had its own Python script to handle this, but that's ugly. Since I'm working on Offline-KI modifications, I'll make a generic script to be included at a later time.
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Re: Tutorial and Information Requests

Postby Maroonroon » Sat Dec 18, 2021 12:22 pm

Great, thank you again Sirius! 8-)
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